President Trump


Well-Known Member
I'm not infatuated with him.
Not many are, but his preferred (only) form of communication is an insight into what we, as a country, are in for.

The man ain't right. He's in way over his head, and has stepped into it so many times over his lifetime that the stink just doesn't disappear.

Maybe Sessions asset forfeiture will get him.


Well-Known Member
i hate all american presidents, but i especially hate trump because he is such a doofus. i am going to be extremely pissed (or dead) if nuclear war starts.


Well-Known Member
Do you really think phone calls will prevent ...military action ?
they do. i forget where obama tried to invade a few years ago and everyone called their rep and it didnt happen.

and even if you were right, its better to at least try than to do nothing.


Victory Ride
they do. i forget where obama tried to invade a few years ago and everyone called their rep and it didnt happen.
Just asking .... of course I don't want a nuclear strike ....but diplomacy does not seem 2 be working very well .... nuclear strike I think will never happen ...other operations r on the table though


Well-Known Member
Just asking .... of course I don't want a nuclear strike ....but diplomacy does not seem 2 be working very well .... nuclear strike I think will never happen ...other operations r on the table though
they probably havent tried usual


Victory Ride
No wants war .... if you r a misguided country threatening the safety of another country need to raise a eyebrow