President Trump


Well-Known Member
just gave you many reasons Trump is dong a great job and all you have is old outdated talking points stuff. I'm looking for intelligent debate and you're not armed. I'm done with you.

Trump's biggy campaign promises:

A border wall, repealing the ACA, tax reform, and infrastructure.

How's he doing?

Oh, I'll tell you - he's embarrassing himself and alienating everyone in the rest of the government, so much so that the Republicans are stopping him at almost every point.

Are you sick of winning?


Well-Known Member
Who did the folks in New Jersey piss off?

First Christie and now I hear they are having to deal with traffic issues among other things from the Trump vacation.

They have my sympathies. ;)


Inordinately Right

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
just gave you many reasons Trump is dong a great job and all you have is old outdated talking points stuff. I'm looking for intelligent debate and you're not armed. I'm done with you.
The only thing you listed that Trump was even marginally involved in was Gorsuch, and even that was mostly Mcconnel's accomplishment of stealing the seat. Trump was handed a list and he picked one.
The rest of his alleged accomplishments are either broad economic trends or one off PR stunts with companies. It's a risky game to claim stock market gains as Trump's when the market corrects I doubt you'll be blaming him.


Well-Known Member
The only thing you listed that Trump was even marginally involved in was Gorsuch, and even that was mostly Mcconnel's accomplishment of stealing the seat. Trump was handed a list and he picked one.
The rest of his alleged accomplishments are either broad economic trends or one off PR stunts with companies. It's a risky game to claim stock market gains as Trump's when the market corrects I doubt you'll be blaming him.

then you would deny giving Obama credit for anything and everything that occurred during Obama's presidency ?