President Trump


Staff member
How did Donald Trump start talking about "fake news" anyway? As it soon after he started colluding with the Russians?


Just a turd
If it's any consolation, I didn't miss you!


Well-Known Member
Maybe a smart guy like you can answer this.

Trump is president. He's head of the executive branch. If there was something crooked with the Uranium One deal, why doesn't he just release the documents proving it? If it's a corrupt deal, why doesn't he overturn it? (Might make Putin angry though.)

justice department would have to release whatever they found before, justice department would have to investigate it now. I'm surprised you didn't know that.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
the Clinton campaign paid a foreign entity for election help. that's a violation of federal law. no harm no foul is not a defense.
Fusion GPS is an intelligence firm based in DC. The Clinton campaign paid their lawyers, who then paid Fusion for OPO. Your skipping several steps to get to Clinton paid a foreign entity. A contractor that sold information to Fusion may have paid some foreign nationals for information. I hope you stretch before reaching so far.


Well-Known Member
Fusion GPS is an intelligence firm based in DC. The Clinton campaign paid their lawyers, who then paid Fusion for OPO. Your skipping several steps to get to Clinton paid a foreign entity. A contractor that sold information to Fusion may have paid some foreign nationals for information. I hope you stretch before reaching so far.
So as long as they put distance between themselves and a source it's ok to use false info from a foreign entity to damage their opponent? Seems like the onus is on them to vet any info used.


golden ticket member
Fusion GPS is an intelligence firm based in DC. The Clinton campaign paid their lawyers, who then paid Fusion for OPO. Your skipping several steps to get to Clinton paid a foreign entity. A contractor that sold information to Fusion may have paid some foreign nationals for information. I hope you stretch before reaching so far.
I couldn't get past the words "intelligence firm"!!!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So as long as they put distance between themselves and a source it's ok to use false info from a foreign entity to damage their opponent? Seems like the onus is on them to vet any info used.
The information was accurate enough for the FBI to investigate and brief Trump about the existence of the dossier. Seriously, you're going to pull something with this end of motion stretching.

A real problem would be if say a campaign staffer was meeting with Russian intelligence cutouts and attempting to arrange meetings between a candidate and senior Kremlin officials in order to use stolen campaign emails against a political opponent. Especially if that campaign staffer and all those involved lied to the FBI about those meetings and then had to plead guilty. That would be a problem.


Well-Known Member
The information was accurate enough for the FBI to investigate and brief Trump about the existence of the dossier. Seriously, you're going to pull something with this end of motion stretching.

A real problem would be if say a campaign staffer was meeting with Russian intelligence cutouts and attempting to arrange meetings between a candidate and senior Kremlin officials in order to use stolen campaign emails against a political opponent. Especially if that campaign staffer and all those involved lied to the FBI about those meetings and then had to plead guilty. That would be a problem.
That dossier has been debunked repeatedly. A lot of it was intended to smear Trump and the FBI let him know it was going around. A clear demonstration that there's really nothing out there that confirms Trump colluded with the Russians, no matter how desperately his enemies want it to be so.
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Well-Known Member
Fusion GPS is an intelligence firm based in DC. The Clinton campaign paid their lawyers, who then paid Fusion for OPO. Your skipping several steps to get to Clinton paid a foreign entity. A contractor that sold information to Fusion may have paid some foreign nationals for information. I hope you stretch before reaching so far.

The steps are there . lying in front of congress is also there.