President Trump


Well-Known Member
Sure it is.

In fact, if you examine the Trump business line, most of it was made overseas.

I suppose that was the point, and maybe it was about you, since you support our current President who's tagline is ‘MAGA’ but can’t bring himself to have his shirts (or Ivana her shoes) ‘made in the USA ‘.

It’s just a tiny bit hypocritical, no?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
so you can use your superior intelligence to bull:censored2: the minorities in to voting with you?
They didn't turn out too much last go around. Doesn't hurt that the leader of the Republican Party calls Nazis very fine people and Mexican immigrants rapists so they don't have much choice in who to vote for.


Well-Known Member
In fact, if you examine the Trump business line, most of it was made overseas.

I suppose that was the point, and maybe it was about you, since you support our current President who's tagline is ‘MAGA’ but can’t bring himself to have his shirts (or Ivana her shoes) ‘made in the USA ‘.

It’s just a tiny bit hypocritical, no?


Well-Known Member
They didn't turn out too much last go around. Doesn't hurt that the leader of the Republican Party calls Nazis very fine people and Mexican immigrants rapists so they don't have much choice in who to vote for.
Never did it, you're lying in a roundabout way. I'll leave it at that if you drop it.