President Trump


Well-Known Member
Just don't be the one that grabs her in the p*
Not gonna lie, I've grabbed or patted the other side, but in my day that was making friends in the bar, so to speak. I'd like to have a dollar for everytime a woman has grabbed my ass in the bar. Glad I lived in my day.


Well-Known Member
Grandpa is a vols fan...we aren’t on speaking terms lol
I've always liked the Tide also, as long as they aren't playing the Vols or Gators. Beyond that I'm 100% SEC when anyone is playing out of conference. The Southeastern Conference rules. Talk to Grandpa, he can tell you about some great Tennessee teams. Unfortunately for me both Vols and Gators are sucking wind currently.


Well-Known Member
He happens to be correct. Why do you hate Black Jesus so?
First let me clear the field. I don't want to piss anyone off. Was that a joke saying @MAKAVELI was correct in saying Jesus was of a darker complexion? If his complexion is or isn't darker makes no difference to me. Now, you said, "He happens to be correct." If you weren't joking, then the skin color of Jesus must make a difference to you. That is the difference between how you think and I think of skin color. Something a person has no control over means identity to you guys. To me skin color is a description of what a person looks like through the prism of light. So, please answer this question, was he correct That Jesus was of darker complexion, if so what are the ramifications if any. And yes I do realize @MAKAVELI was trying to be funny, but the skin color game gets old. I already know he doesn't give 2 fecals for Jesus, he's made that plain to me.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real