President Trump


Well-Known Member
Do ya think Trump repented? I'd be surprised if he wasn't currently banging porn stars and paying them to keep quiet.
We know you hate Trump, personally know absolutely nothing about him to make this statement. Not a road you want to go down, as far as I know only one faith uses the term repent, I doubt you are a believer in that faith and the One that faith is directed to and in. Stick to your political beliefs. @It will be fine
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Well-Known Member
He's cheated on every wife he's ever had and bragged on tape about sexual assault. It's a safe bet he's not sorry.
What sexual assault? He said himself the women let him grab them there. Takes two to tango, and celebrities, sports figures, the wealthy, movie stars, etc have women throw themselves at them all the time. Does it make it right? No, he should've been faithful to his wife. But you characterizing it as assault is just politically motivated hogwash.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
What sexual assault? He said himself the women let him grab them there. Takes two to tango, and celebrities, sports figures, the wealthy, movie stars, etc have women throw themselves at them all the time. Does it make it right? No, he should've been faithful to his wife. But you characterizing it as assault is just politically motivated hogwash.
"I don't even wait. I just start kissing them. You can grab em by the puss and when you're a star they let you do it." Donald Trump

That's sexual assault. Have you not been paying any attention to the #metoo movement? A women being grabbed against her will is assault.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I couldn't believe my ears this morning as some ginger millennial said that Trump was lucky to inherit an economy that Obama readied to take off. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
The trend lines have been the same for the last 8 years. This isn't difficult to understand. The only difference is the propoganda you consume started touting the economic recovery after inauguration.


Well-Known Member
"I don't even wait. I just start kissing them. You can grab em by the puss and when you're a star they let you do it." Donald Trump

That's sexual assault. Have you not been paying any attention to the #metoo movement? A women being grabbed against her will is assault.
He said they let him do it. Not assault when it's consensual. Compared that with Weinstein. And this stuff goes on all the time. As far as the MeToo movement, certainly if anyone is forced into a situation they don't want to participate in it's wrong. But how many of the women coming forward have done sex scenes in movies? A lot of which is purely gratuitous? How many held their tongues until their bank accounts were a lot fatter, while many young naive starlets were fed to the lions? And how many young women come to Hollywood and eagerly give in to advances in hopes it'll get their foot in the door? A lot of hypocrisy all around and no doubt some of it is getting even with some of these guys for perceived slights or relationships that never materialized because all the guy wanted was sex.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
The trend lines have been the same for the last 8 years. This isn't difficult to understand. The only difference is the propoganda you consume started touting the economic recovery after inauguration.
aside from the one percent growth thing, also does obama get all the bad to if bad happens


Well-Known Member
The trend lines have been the same for the last 8 years. This isn't difficult to understand. The only difference is the propoganda you consume started touting the economic recovery after inauguration.
If Obama never hit 3% then how was his trendline up? Come on, tax cuts and reduced regulations are real change and they're showing results.


golden ticket member
When Trump takes the reins, the economy shoots higher.....coincidence? No. Trump knows what makes business work. Obama only knew how to roll a joint!


I started this.
Staff member
This is why I don't respond to you. Your entire post is a personal attack. It adds nothing to the discussion about Trump. It's entirely wild accusations against me personally and apparently the mods think it's ok. Thanks @Monkey Butt and @tonyexpress and @cheryl.
Report anything you find to be a violation of our rules. Otherwise I probably won't see it. I very rarely read anything in Current Events so if something needs to be addressed from a mod point of view I won't see it unless it has been reported.


Well-Known Member
This is why I don't respond to you. Your entire post is a personal attack. It adds nothing to the discussion about Trump. It's entirely wild accusations against me personally and apparently the mods think it's ok. Thanks @Monkey Butt and @tonyexpress and @cheryl.
It was not a personal attack, it was a reply in kind, you assumed a moral high ground, I merely pointed out that using the same yardstick that you use to judge Trump you've condemned yourself.