President Trump


Staff member
BBSAM is. Ironic that working people's taxes pay for welfare but he doesn't want same people to get anything.
It’s simple really. We’re in debt because we didn’t “pay as we go”.

Well we did “pay as we go” but then we “ran the credit card up”.

So in essence we saved for our retirement (social security commitments) and decided future generations should pay for what we didn’t want to.

We loved the politician that offered low taxes and “others will pay” or “voodoo economics” that would magically fix everything.

Well, here we are. $23 trillion in debt and counting. And you want future generations to pay? Why not stop all SS payments and put it toward lowering the debt? I mean it’s not mandated by the constitution. It’s not essential. Oh. Politicians lied? You can’t have your cake and eat it too?

The real question is, why would you believe such BS? Probably only because they told you what you wanted to hear.


Nine Lives
It’s simple really. We’re in debt because we didn’t “pay as we go”.

Well we did “pay as we go” but then we “ran the credit card up”.

So in essence we saved for our retirement (social security commitments) and decided future generations should pay for what we didn’t want to.

We loved the politician that offered low taxes and “others will pay” or “voodoo economics” that would magically fix everything.

Well, here we are. $23 trillion in debt and counting. And you want future generations to pay? Why not stop all SS payments and put it toward lowering the debt? I mean it’s not mandated by the constitution. It’s not essential. Oh. Politicians lied? You can’t have your cake and eat it too?

The real question is, why would you believe such BS? Probably only because they told you what you wanted to hear.
I don’t have any issues with that but also end welfare, Medicaid and Medicare too.


Staff member
I don’t have any issues with that but also end welfare, Medicaid and Medicare too.
Imagine that. Debt paid off on no time AND giving future generations a chance at a fresh start.

Since we aren’t going to leave them better off than previous generations, it really is the best we can do.


Got the T-Shirt


Well-Known Member
Monthly Job growth was lower in 2017 then 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, GDP in 2017 was lower than GDP growth in 2015 and 2014. The stock market has performed worse in percentage increase during Trump’s time vs the last president at this point in their presidency.

They just passed a budget that significantly increases spending a thing Trump supporters heavily criticized during the last presidency.

Republicans continue to prove they don’t actually care about the things they discuss that policy outcomes are irrelevant to republicans.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Monthly Job growth was lower in 2017 then 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, GDP in 2017 was lower than GDP growth in 2015 and 2014. The stock market has performed worse in percentage increase during Trump’s time vs the last president at this point in their presidency.

They just passed a budget that significantly increases spending a thing Trump supporters heavily criticized during the last presidency.

Republicans continue to prove they don’t actually care about the things they discuss that policy outcomes are irrelevant to republicans.
im sorry for your loss


Well-Known Member
“Welfare” is a meaningless term that really just means the government spending on people I don’t like.

Welfare was reformed in 1996 renamed TANF and spending in that program has not grown one penny since 1996. It’s less than 1% of the federal budget.

Food stamps is less than 2% of the federal budget.
Public housing/section 8 is less than 1% of the federal budget.
WIC is less than 1% of the federal budget.

In fact, adding up all the so called welfare programs( TANF, Foodstamps, Section 8, WIC) adds up to not even 3% of the federal budget.

So why do we pretend that cutting welfare spending will impact the budget and end budget deficits or save a bunch of spending? Oh that’s right cause they hate the Americans they think are getting that spending.


Well-Known Member
im sorry for your loss

If job growth or economic growth or GDP growth or the stock market performance, and increased government spending were bad in 2015, then celebrating worse performance now on those same metrics shows republicans were lying when they pretended to care about this stuff in the past.

republicans don’t actually care about policy or policy outcomes.

So what are they getting out of this presidency?


Well-Known Member
The facts are not on your side.

This is the plain reality. Better job growth, better GDP growth, better stock market performance were all terrible under the last president.

But now worse metrics on those same things are great.

The mass and collectively level of dishonesty from republicans on this is truly amazing.


Well-Known Member
Trump out here defending a woman beater.

His administration is filled with objectively terrible people. Not terrible in their politics is evil kinda way although that’s true. But terrible as in criminal and corrupt.

I mean how do Trump supporters explain all these damn criminals in trump’s administration?

Multiple people have already been charged and convicted of crimes. Multiple people have already quit when knowledge of previous crimes or incompetence or current corruption was revealed.

I think republicans don’t care about criminal behavior of politicians as long as they perceive that those criminal politicians hate and want to hurt the groups of Americans that republicans hate and believe are destroying the nation.

It’s really the only logical explanation. At the very least this level of corruption and incompetence from so many in the Trump administration would be a little troubling if they cared one bit about this sort of thing.


Strength through joy
Trump out here defending a woman beater.

His administration is filled with objectively terrible people. Not terrible in their politics is evil kinda way although that’s true. But terrible as in criminal and corrupt.

I mean how do Trump supporters explain all these damn criminals in trump’s administration?

Multiple people have already been charged and convicted of crimes. Multiple people have already quit when knowledge of previous crimes or incompetence or current corruption was revealed.

I think republicans don’t care about criminal behavior of politicians as long as they perceive that those criminal politicians hate and want to hurt the groups of Americans that republicans hate and believe are destroying the nation.

It’s really the only logical explanation. At the very least this level of corruption and incompetence from so many in the Trump administration would be a little troubling if they cared one bit about this sort of thing.
Well at least the republicans don't have a history of killing their lovers or rivals.


Well-Known Member
Well at least the republicans don't have a history of killing their lovers or rivals.

Again this kind of delusional thinking is common with republicans.

I continue to think that outside of their shared hatred for certain groups of Americans.

republicans ability to collectively believe and repeat completely insane things has a lot to do with their electoral success.
They truly will say and believe any delusional thing to win. I stress it’s not just a few republicans that believe demonstrably insane things it’s nearly all of them. It is impressive.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I appreciate that a big part of the election narrative was Hillary being reckless with classified information because she used a private email to send a few confidential schedules.

Now Trump gives the PDB, the most sensitive intelligence in the nation, to straight idiots that can't get a security clearance. Jared, a man clearly in his position thanks to nepotism and now a wife beater that wouldn't clear a background check to drive a truck for me. These people get the highest classified information produced and it's cool with republicans.