President Trump


Bad Moon Risen'
Trump out here defending a woman beater.

His administration is filled with objectively terrible people. Not terrible in their politics is evil kinda way although that’s true. But terrible as in criminal and corrupt.

I mean how do Trump supporters explain all these damn criminals in trump’s administration?

Multiple people have already been charged and convicted of crimes. Multiple people have already quit when knowledge of previous crimes or incompetence or current corruption was revealed.

I think republicans don’t care about criminal behavior of politicians as long as they perceive that those criminal politicians hate and want to hurt the groups of Americans that republicans hate and believe are destroying the nation.

It’s really the only logical explanation. At the very least this level of corruption and incompetence from so many in the Trump administration would be a little troubling if they cared one bit about this sort of thing.
Not possible. He said he was going to hire the BEST people.


Well-Known Member

Again this kind of delusional thinking is common with republicans.

I continue to think that outside of their shared hatred for certain groups of Americans.

republicans ability to collectively believe and repeat completely insane things has a lot to do with their electoral success.
They truly will say and believe any delusional thing to win. I stress it’s not just a few republicans that believe demonstrably insane things it’s nearly all of them. It is impressive.

You are showing the same tendencies with this post- your hatred for republicans.


Well-Known Member
Another Trump person in the Trump administration resigns over being a woman beater. Maybe Trump and Kelly will defend this guy like they did the last woman beater who left the Trump administration once his woman beating ways were found out.

Again none of this concerns republican voters not one bit.

republicans who were apologetic that Obama knew that weather underground guy. That he went to reverend Wright’s church, don’t care that many multiples of members of trumps administration have been convicted of crimes have criminal charges pending, many have a long list of criminal behavior that gets them booted once it’s revealed. Many have left based on corruption while in Trumps administration, yet for republicans this is all ok. It’s all fine. No problems.

Instead republicans are focused on lying to themselves about the nation’s economic performance under trump and attacking the fbi with yet another delusional conspiracy theory.

I can’t wait for republicans to attempt to memory hole Trump’s presidency the same way they have done GWBush’s presidency. I remember republicans acting like GWBush would go down as this great military president. Republicans used to love GWBush and defended his failures vehemently.

his failed war on terror and and his failed war in Iraq would transform the Middle East that his failed tax cuts would spur economic growth and that he had competent people in his administration, that torture was great, etc.

Now republicans don’t defend anything about their old war hero president GWBush cause he was such a disaster.

The same is coming for Trump. All of this fake phony trump praise will disappear the moment trump is seen as a disaster by even republican voters.

It’s coming.


Fight the power.
Another Trump person in the Trump administration resigns over being a woman beater. Maybe Trump and Kelly will defend this guy like they did the last woman beater who left the Trump administration once his woman beating ways were found out.

Again none of this concerns republican voters not one bit.

republicans who were apologetic that Obama knew that weather underground guy. That he went to reverend Wright’s church, don’t care that many multiples of members of trumps administration have been convicted of crimes have criminal charges pending, many have a long list of criminal behavior that gets them booted once it’s revealed. Many have left based on corruption while in Trumps administration, yet for republicans this is all ok. It’s all fine. No problems.

Instead republicans are focused on lying to themselves about the nation’s economic performance under trump and attacking the fbi with yet another delusional conspiracy theory.

I can’t wait for republicans to attempt to memory hole Trump’s presidency the same way they have done GWBush’s presidency. I remember republicans acting like GWBush would go down as this great military president. Republicans used to love GWBush and defended his failures vehemently.

his failed war on terror and and his failed war in Iraq would transform the Middle East that his failed tax cuts would spur economic growth and that he had competent people in his administration, that torture was great, etc.

Now republicans don’t defend anything about their old war hero president GWBush cause he was such a disaster.

The same is coming for Trump. All of this fake phony trump praise will disappear the moment trump is seen as a disaster by even republican voters.

It’s coming.


Nine Lives
Another Trump person in the Trump administration resigns over being a woman beater. Maybe Trump and Kelly will defend this guy like they did the last woman beater who left the Trump administration once his woman beating ways were found out.

Again none of this concerns republican voters not one bit.

republicans who were apologetic that Obama knew that weather underground guy. That he went to reverend Wright’s church, don’t care that many multiples of members of trumps administration have been convicted of crimes have criminal charges pending, many have a long list of criminal behavior that gets them booted once it’s revealed. Many have left based on corruption while in Trumps administration, yet for republicans this is all ok. It’s all fine. No problems.

Instead republicans are focused on lying to themselves about the nation’s economic performance under trump and attacking the fbi with yet another delusional conspiracy theory.

I can’t wait for republicans to attempt to memory hole Trump’s presidency the same way they have done GWBush’s presidency. I remember republicans acting like GWBush would go down as this great military president. Republicans used to love GWBush and defended his failures vehemently.

his failed war on terror and and his failed war in Iraq would transform the Middle East that his failed tax cuts would spur economic growth and that he had competent people in his administration, that torture was great, etc.

Now republicans don’t defend anything about their old war hero president GWBush cause he was such a disaster.

The same is coming for Trump. All of this fake phony trump praise will disappear the moment trump is seen as a disaster by even republican voters.

It’s coming.
I doubt it concerns anyone with an IQ over 80.
And if it does, its probably a she.


Well-Known Member
You are showing the same tendencies with this post- your hatred for republicans.

Republican voters actually hate other Americans and want the government to reflect their hatred towards those Americans.

I don’t rail that republicans shouldn’t get help from the government, but republican voters truly get enraged at the fact that certain Americans they hate receive government assistance. They are terrified of the nation’s changing demographics, they generally think black Americans are lazy, criminal, government dependent, etc. they generally believe Mexicans are here illegally, don’t love America, are criminals, etc. they think Muslims are out to destroy America with sharia law, etc. these are all things that republicans generally believe about those other Americans.

It’s why they love Trump’s outright bigotry. He hates the same Americans they hate.

Nothing unites republican voters more than being anger at the fact that Americans they hate are getting government assistance. Nothing.


Well-Known Member
Another speechwriter just resigned for beating his wife. Extreme vetting!

yes this one slipped through the cracks. we should therefore have CNN discuss it for 48 hours straight while there are so many lesser news stories to discuss like the possible government shut down, Olympics , united korea at the Olympics. etc.

Frankie's Friend

Republican voters actually hate other Americans and want the government to reflect their hatred towards those Americans.

I don’t rail that republicans shouldn’t get help from the government, but republican voters truly get enraged at the fact that certain Americans they hate receive government assistance. They are terrified of the nation’s changing demographics, they generally think black Americans are lazy, criminal, government dependent, etc. they generally believe Mexicans are here illegally, don’t love America, are criminals, etc. they think Muslims are out to destroy America with sharia law, etc. these are all things that republicans generally believe about those other Americans.

It’s why they love Trump’s outright bigotry. He hates the same Americans they hate.

Nothing unites republican voters more than being anger at the fact that Americans they hate are getting government assistance. Nothing.
The mexicans work hard. Thats a plus.

Frankie's Friend

Another Trump person in the Trump administration resigns over being a woman beater. Maybe Trump and Kelly will defend this guy like they did the last woman beater who left the Trump administration once his woman beating ways were found out.

Again none of this concerns republican voters not one bit.

republicans who were apologetic that Obama knew that weather underground guy. That he went to reverend Wright’s church, don’t care that many multiples of members of trumps administration have been convicted of crimes have criminal charges pending, many have a long list of criminal behavior that gets them booted once it’s revealed. Many have left based on corruption while in Trumps administration, yet for republicans this is all ok. It’s all fine. No problems.

Instead republicans are focused on lying to themselves about the nation’s economic performance under trump and attacking the fbi with yet another delusional conspiracy theory.

I can’t wait for republicans to attempt to memory hole Trump’s presidency the same way they have done GWBush’s presidency. I remember republicans acting like GWBush would go down as this great military president. Republicans used to love GWBush and defended his failures vehemently.

his failed war on terror and and his failed war in Iraq would transform the Middle East that his failed tax cuts would spur economic growth and that he had competent people in his administration, that torture was great, etc.

Now republicans don’t defend anything about their old war hero president GWBush cause he was such a disaster.

The same is coming for Trump. All of this fake phony trump praise will disappear the moment trump is seen as a disaster by even republican voters.

It’s coming.
Sounds like trump used to work for the clintons.