President Trump


Well-Known Member
You are the perfect person to criticize Repugs ... even the libs on here don't back you.
And for sure, nothing you (or I or anyone) posts on here matters.


Now tell us again how Trump is acting incredibly guilty but you’re 99.9% sure he’s innocent. That’s a good one.

I am confused. I think Trump is incompetent. I think his administration is corrupt and filled with corrupt people. I think he already admitted to obstructing justice.


Well-Known Member
What were there about 16 scandals, this week, and how many resignations in the Dumpf administration? So many its hard to keep track. And this is Friday, no telling what's on the horizon. If former PBO had done just *ONE* of the scandalous acts of criminality while serving as president, he would have been excoriated and impeached. Drumpf has been in office one year and three months and every single day has been one bombshell salacious foolishness - cluster!#%k after another.

I commend you for admitting to so many liberal scandels.


Nine Lives
@Monkey Butt didnt like Mediaite as a source so I provided another.with roughly the same assessment.

But I give you credit. You’ll be one of the last rats on the sinking HMS Trump.
Or any other sinking ship.
I would have been on Obama's but he was half-Black! :devil3:
Too reminiscent of a Boston-based slave ship or as Bostonians call them ... Whaling Ships.


Well-Known Member
Trump’s White House Is a Black Hole

..."The president and his acolytes are championing conspiracy theories and a sweeping, uncalibrated, all-out assault on our institutions. There is reckless talk by Republicans about “secret societies,” “silent coups” and the “deep state.” Trump supporters have engaged in a desperate effort to discredit the Mueller investigation.

The president dehumanizes and belittles his opponents and (at best half-jokingly) accuses Democrats of being “treasonous” for not applauding him during his State of the Union speech. Rather than nourishing a sense of gratitude, he stokes grievances. And he tells lie after lie after lie after lie.

One White House aide, asked by The Washington Post whether John Kelly, the president’s chief of staff, could have been more truthful or transparent about the dismissal of the staff secretary Rob Porter, answered honestly: “In this White House, it’s simply not in our DNA. Truthful and transparent is great, but we don’t even have a coherent strategy to obfuscate.” Could there be a more emblematic statement of the low point we have reached?

All of this is antithetical to conservatism. On balance, Republicans are seeking to conserve very little; instead they have become the courtiers and court pastors of a man who delights in tearing things down. It calls to mind the line spoken by Alfred in “The Dark Knight”: “Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

Yet most Republicans are silent, their moral and civic reflexes seemingly dead...


Well-Known Member
I think His Majesty's Ship Trump will blow the U.S. Rowboat Hillary out of the water, and take quite a few bureaucrats and Federal agents with her.
Interesting metaphor.

tRUmp as royalty and Hillary (why is the RW so obsessed?) as the figurehead of a Federal Democracy.

I think we fought that war.