President Trump


Well-Known Member
Yup, that’s what I posted.

Yup, that’s what I posted.

Sure did, respond now, and imagine that it's under this same thread you busted my balls for asking you the question in.

Was that the coach that actually had a gun, in his locker?

Hella good it did for him.

There was an armed guard on the premises.

Hella good it did for anyone.

BTW, this is the Trump thread.

Drink another one for me.
Post 10520 Thread President Trump Monday 11:2i pm
your post, this thread, Answer the questions I ask in the post. You can't, You won't. @BrownArmy


Well-Known Member
Not the point.

Would you, an unarmed citizen, march into AR-15 fire?

That's what our dear leader proposed.

I can see if you have a sidearm or pistol, and that's your job, and I agree with you that the deputy should have done his job...

But Trump sounds like the maroon King when he says he would have gone in, even without a gun.

I mean, seriously?

Please, someone spin this for me, I'm dying to hear a defense of Trump.
@BrownArmy This is your original


Well-Known Member
View attachment 182638 This man did, don't you wish he was armed? If he had been it is plausible some students expiration date wouldn't be Valentine's Day, February 14, 2018. Why doesn't your side allow for teacher's to be trained then armed to protect our nations most valued treasure, it's children? What happened to the left's mantra, "It's for the children" and "If it saves ONLY one life.? I understand, your side uses these sayings only when attempting to further their ideological stances, and promote more socialist programs.
What's your question?
No question, here is the response I posted to your question that I reposted above. Just answer my response to your post. You now how this works.
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Well-Known Member
No question, here is the response I posted to your question that I reposted above. Just answer my response to your post. You now how this works.

Um, I don't think teachers should be armed.

There's enough nonsense in schools without adding guns into the mix.

My wife is a school social worker, she thinks it would be absurd and appallingly stupid to add guns into an inherently volatile situation.

Plus, are white teachers with guns more likely to just pull their gun on a disobedient black student?

Are black teachers with guns more likely to just pull their gun on a disobedient black student?

Are we talking about shootouts in schools?

When the cops come, which gun-toting maroon are they going to shoot?

Will students get a hold of teachers' guns?

The ramifications of what you are proposing go far beyond your 'simple' solution, but you're old, drunk, and stupid.

I'm not sure what your question was, hope I answered it!
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Well-Known Member
I think the alcohol is amplifying his other meds.
I think you are so small that you won't respond to a question you posted. Now 6 days later you act as if your question doesn't exist. You tendered your question Monday night, I responded Tue morning. You have no good response, I understand, just say it.
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Well-Known Member
I think you are so small that you won't respond to a question you posted. Now 6 days later you act as if your question doesn't exist. You tendered your question Monday night, I responded Tue morning. You have no good response, I understand, just say it. You're weak, you know it, I know it, good enough for me.

K, I guess I didn't answer your question.

Still don't know what your question is.

What is your question?


Well-Known Member
If you can comprehend it was clear. It was one statement that responded to your statement, and a question. The second question was clear also.


Well-Known Member
Um, I don't think teachers should be armed.
Great, I think a trained armed teacher that decides they want to be in a position to protect their children's lives and their own should not be precluded because some have a fear of firearms. If a teacher, that is trained and qualified on a weapon is not mentally equipped to possess the weapon at school, I submit they are not mentally qualified to teach children in the first place. Two opposing points of view, I offered qualifiers, you didn't. Fact, neither point of view matters. Fact, an armed teacher has the opportunity to end an active shooting situation. Convince me of an unarmed teachers ability to end such a situation.


Well-Known Member
There's enough nonsense in schools without adding guns into the mix.
If introducing a firearm to any professional adds to nonsense in schools they don't belong there in the first place, if your scenario is accurate, I would assume better vetting of teachers would be required.
That being said, you are fully willing to add guns to the mix after a shooter has entered the school and had his way until armed enforcement can arrive. That's nice of you to lift gun prohibition after unlawful acts and possibly murders have occurred. In my day we would say, "That's mighty white of you."


Well-Known Member
My wife is a school social worker, she thinks it would be absurd and appallingly stupid to add guns into an inherently volatile situation
Silly, non argument, The weapons are initially to defend from outside intruders. I'm kinda thinking if students are aware of an armed presence in the school the level of volatility may actually subside. By the way, I'm not impressed by your wife's position, just sayin.


Well-Known Member
Plus, are white teachers with guns more likely to just pull their gun on a disobedient black student?
Yes, all white teachers are are required to exterminate the black students, be not deceived it's not only the disobedient, it's all.
You sir with that statement prove yourself to be one of the roots of racial strife. Been a long time since I've encountered *** a person that believes they are striving for racial harmony.
In addition all black teachers will be allowed to take out whites and browns, and Hispanic teachers will be allowed the same latitude.
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Well-Known Member
Are we talking about shootouts in schools?
If an armed shooter comes in and fires at innocent students, we are talking about making it more likely that these children will see their mom, dad, brothers and sisters at the end of the day. Frame your BS question as you like.


Well-Known Member
When the cops come, which gun-toting maroon are they going to shoot?
The bad guy, by default he is the only maroon, if there is a maroon teacher the union should make provision to fire them.
Beyond that law enforcement is trained to assess ongoing situations, they do not enter with guns blazing. In addition, by the time law enforcement makes the scene hopefully the situation will be contained or aborted.
Threw in that last term in an attempt to gain liberal support.