President Trump


Well-Known Member
Name one "scandal" that rises to the level of spying on political opposition, using IRS to deny conservative groups their rights, lying about Obamacare to get it passed, giving half a billion to one company that contributed to his campaign, sending guns to cartels, lying about cause of attack in Libya, covering for presidential candidate who clearly broke the law, allowing said candidate to sell favors from her office, and consistently dividing public by weighing in on and exacerbating racial conflict, weakening the military, pushing transgender agenda, and nearly doubling the national debt? I'm sure I forgot a few, there were so many. And he could get away with it because media covered for him because he was the first half black President.

Most of those are Fox News scandals, sigh.


Well-Known Member
When debating republicans you have to understand they lie about everything and don’t truly give a damn about most things.

So that’s how they can lie and pretend that the republican dominated fbi is out to get Trump.

It’s how they can ignore multiple Trump administration members pleading guilty to actual crimes and still pretend that the Obama presidency was just as scandal plagued.

It’s how they can pretend despite getting guilty pleas that republican Mueller is out to get Trump on a witch hunt.

It’s how they can ignore Russia hacking our election and Trump refusing to enforce sanctions against Russia.

It’s how they can ignore the obvious corruption of Trump’s family members conducting business deals from the White House to directly enrich their family.

It’s how they can ignore what trump says about guns. One of the most radical anti gun statements from a sitting president.

It’s how they can ignore how the stock market is performing after touting that stuff very recently.

It’s because none of that stuff matters and they are more than willing to lie and pretend while discussing those topics.

It is who they are.

Every time you engage with republicans know this they are going to lie.


Well-Known Member
Trump was up at 5 in the morning sending out a tweet filled with misspelled words in a rant about an actor.

This is our President and republicans won’t honestly assess the man because he hates like they hate. They have that bond.
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Well-Known Member
Trump administration was letting his son in law who couldn’t get security clearance look at classified info.

Doesn’t bother those Uber patriotic republicans one bit.

Jared was conducting business deals in the White House. Doesn’t bother republicans who were so angry at the clintons for using the presidency to enrich themselves one bit.


Well-Known Member
Hope Hicks admits to lying for Trump and it doesn’t bother republicans one bit.

Trump thinks the Justice Department are “his personal lawyers” that are supposed to protect him. He thinks the AG Sessions is his personal attorney who supposed to protect him from the Russia investigation.

Again these Uber patriotic the constitution loving republicans don’t give a :censored2: about this level of corruption from Trump and this level of ignorance of how the Justice department works.
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Staff member
Trump administration was letting his son in law who couldn’t get security clearance look at classified info.

Doesn’t bother those Uber patriotic republicans one bit.

Jared was conducting business deals in the White House. Doesn’t bother republicans who were so angry at the clintons for using the presidency to enrich themselves one bit.
But her emails!


Well-Known Member
I can go on and on about Trump and how republicans are blatantly willing to let this man lie, steal, and cheat and be utterly incompetent for the job all the while pretending that they care about those things in others.

It’s all pretend, in Trump republicans are showing us all they do not care about none of the stuff they pretend to care about.

I mean Trump so far falls below any level of anything that if these things truly mattered, trump would be hated by republicans. But they love him. They love him because shared hatred of other Americans is what really counts with republicans.

The rest of the stuff is just distractions.

Remember republicans used to vehemently defend the war in Iraq for over a decade. Trump comes along and eviscerates that war as a waste of lives and money and a mistake and Trump stresses he never supported that war and republicans who defended the Iraq war for over a decade like they really cared, stopped defending that war like it never mattered to them.

It’s who they are.
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Nine Lives
Trump administration was letting his son in law who couldn’t get security clearance look at classified info.

Doesn’t bother those Uber patriotic republicans one bit.

Jared was conducting business deals in the White House. Doesn’t bother republicans who were so angry at the clintons for using the presidency to enrich themselves one bit.
Just to make sure ... you are not posting from a moral position?
You're just a Democrat hack?
Thought so.

Carry on.


Well-Known Member
But her emails!
this is what I’m saying republicans pretend to care about the corruption of the clintons. But they don’t. It’s all meaningless to them. Jared is out here conducting business meetings in the White House solidifying multi million dollar business deals, not a care from republicans. The other son is traveling to India to use the White House to enrich his family. Again not a peep from republicans.

They are liars. I don’t know how else to describe this level of hypocrisy. It is so blatant as to be nearly obscene.

My point is republicans debate topics like government corruption they don’t give one :censored2: about. And They do that kind of debating all the time.

They’ll take ridiculous positions like the republican dominated fbi is out to get trump and just keep repeating that lie over and over and over and over again.

It’s who they are.
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Well-Known Member
Just to make sure ... you are not posting from a moral position?
You're just a Democrat hack?
Thought so.

Carry on.

Again whatever you want to claim I am or not is irrelevant. It’s a tactic. Oh you aren’t this kind of person so your criticisms of republicans doesn’t count. It is a bs argument.

The only thing that matters is what I posted about Trump and how republicans are reacting to Trump the truth.

It is.


Well-Known Member
It's just weird that he lies so much, why would he even lie about something like that?

Because he is a liar. Again he got up on national tv and lied that he had the biggest inauguration of all time. And once again republicans don’t care that he lied.

Instead they’ll say well Obama said if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

Obama made a wrong prediction about the future impact of his health care bill.

You can’t lie about something that hasn’t happened yet.

That’s not called lying that’s called making a wrong prediction.

Lying would be after the bill drops and a small number of people are losing their doctors repeatedly sticking by the claim. That’s what Trump does.


Nine Lives
Again whatever you want to claim I am or not is irrelevant. It’s a tactic. Oh you aren’t this kind of person so your criticisms of republicans doesn’t count. It is a bs argument.

The only thing that matters is what I posted about Trump and how republicans are reacting to Trump the truth.



Nine Lives
Again whatever you want to claim I am or not is irrelevant. It’s a tactic. Oh you aren’t this kind of person so your criticisms of republicans doesn’t count. It is a bs argument.

The only thing that matters is what I posted about Trump and how republicans are reacting to Trump the truth.

It is.
Sorry Dude but nothing you post matters! SMH