President Trump


Well-Known Member
The ramifications of what you are proposing go far beyond your 'simple' solution, but you're old, drunk, and stupid
Congratulations, You're the smart guy in the room.
First, I proposed no solution, but I do have one however. Drunk, no but I enjoy when you clowns can't compete and you try to play the drunk card. You clowns have a full deck of cards to throw.
Stupid, first one to agree I've done more stupid things than most on this whole site, I called it havin fun. I'll compare my education and intellect against your's and anyone else on this site. But that doesn't matter for squat, I've got more degrees than my both my grandfather's but I can't lick their boots on wisdom. So, stupid, yeah you got me on that one.@BrownArmy


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what your question was, hope I answered it!
There you go dumb posterior, I just showed you how to respond to a question, I'm completely sure of your questions and answered each, I know I answered them. You might not like the answers but I'm stupid like that.@BrownArmy
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It will be fine

Well-Known Member
If only his golf courses had a no cell phone policy... half his scandals and bad publicity wouldn't exist without his twitter rants.
He needs more televised policy negotiations. Those really demonstrate his complete lack of knowledge on any subject and he says the dumbest things. Those are my favorite. "We need a clean DACA bill." "Take the guns first, due process later."


Bad Moon Risen'
Somebody lost their mind last night. Anyhoo, Trump has spent over 100 days on the golf course since inauguration, here's hoping he clears a full year there by the end of his term.
During the campaign, Trump vowed that he would be too busy working to ever play golf as president.

I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,” Trump told The Hill in 2015. “I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off.”

Alternative fact?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Trump on China's Xi consolidating power: 'Maybe we'll give that a shot some day.' - CNNPolitics

"He's now president for life. President for life. No, he's great," Trump said. "And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day."
He wishes. Xi is a great politician and understands how to wield power in his system. Trump understands his mouth breathing uneducated base and doesn't even understand how to advance policy let alone consolidate power.