President Trump


Well-Known Member
She knew what she signed up for.


I still feel bad for her.

My guess is, like her husband, she never expected to be in the White House.

Yet, now all this dirty laundry is Prime-time, probably not what she signed up for.

It’s one thing to engage in a marriage of convenience, it’s another thing to be in the headlines.

Poor Barron.


Nine Lives
How so?

China runs a tight ship...the kind of control Trump dreams he had.

Xi Jinping has basically nailed down the position of ‘Emperor’.

Xi will outlast and out-play Trump, and likely the next two or three US Presidents.

Look how Xi played the Donald...gave him a ‘special’ viewing of the Imperial Palace, threw him a Parade, lots of glitter and gold.

Lord knows the Donald loves a parade.

Sorry, DJT is a legend in his own mind, Xi Jinping is a legend in the making.

Aside from the notion that Trump’s policies are actually strengthening China’s global position.

I read a lot of Sci-Fi fiction, and some of the more compelling narratives are based on China becoming the dominant world power.

You’re literally watching it happen.

You’re old and retired...

Maybe I should teach my six-month old Mandarin.
But alas, the US President did not bow to him.

Maybe one of the next couple presidents will be a pansy-assed Dim raised by his Mommy and Granny.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

In a 9 to 0 vote, the Supreme Court ruled in 1997 that a sitting president can be charged with a crime that is related to events that are claimed to have occurred before the person became president or that are of a personal nature that is unrelated to the person’s current position as president. That lawsuit can move forward during the president’s term in office.
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Well-Known Member
As @Nolimitz pointed out, the Supreme Court has decided that case already.

I'd bet some of the conservative judges wish they could have a do over.

By reading the suit, it would appear that there are pictures, possibly of President Dennison. I hope the world is spared from seeing those.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself

I still feel bad for her.

My guess is, like her husband, she never expected to be in the White House.

Yet, now all this dirty laundry is Prime-time, probably not what she signed up for.

It’s one thing to engage in a marriage of convenience, it’s another thing to be in the headlines.

Poor Barron.
If a porn star played the Drumpf so easily, imagine what the pros in other countries are able to do ..."Russia, if you're listening...Drumpf needs more hookers".


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Virtually everything President Obama was accused of drumpf is guilty of!
* Not a real Christian? drumpf says he never asked for forgiveness, is ignorant of the most basic biblical nomenclature.
* Disloyal to America? Conspiracy with Russia, conspiracy to take away Americans' healthcare, raise taxes on the middle class while lowering it on corporations and the rich.
* Too easy on our enemies? Sanctions that HE SIGNED INTO LAW go unenforced.
* Only got into prestigious college because of who he was?Can anyone listen to drumpf for more than a minute and believe that he got into Wharton on his merits?
* Politics informed by his Father's beliefs? Fred drumpf was arrested at a Klan riot where there were very fine people on at least one side.
* Influenced by extremist preacher? Which grifter, racist, or sexual predator do you mean?
* Legislating by Presidential fiat? Tariffs, anyone?
The monster they pretended that President Obama was, is the monster they created...
How can these people sleep at night?
After all the lying they do, just for drumpf, how do you live with yourself?
It is like they have no conscience.We have a president who is less credible than a porn star. Ponder that one, deplorables.


Nine Lives
Virtually everything President Obama was accused of drumpf is guilty of!
* Not a real Christian? drumpf says he never asked for forgiveness, is ignorant of the most basic biblical nomenclature.
* Disloyal to America? Conspiracy with Russia, conspiracy to take away Americans' healthcare, raise taxes on the middle class while lowering it on corporations and the rich.
* Too easy on our enemies? Sanctions that HE SIGNED INTO LAW go unenforced.
* Only got into prestigious college because of who he was?Can anyone listen to drumpf for more than a minute and believe that he got into Wharton on his merits?
* Politics informed by his Father's beliefs? Fred drumpf was arrested at a Klan riot where there were very fine people on at least one side.
* Influenced by extremist preacher? Which grifter, racist, or sexual predator do you mean?
* Legislating by Presidential fiat? Tariffs, anyone?
The monster they pretended that President Obama was, is the monster they created...
How can these people sleep at night?
After all the lying they do, just for drumpf, how do you live with yourself?
It is like they have no conscience.We have a president who is less credible than a porn star. Ponder that one, deplorables.
And yet he has already accomplished more in one year than Obama did in 8 years.
What's up with that?