President Trump


Nine Lives
Must be a security door.
First Class all the way baby!



Well-Known Member
Why is it that the Dems screamed about DACA and now it's 'crickets"??
Is it crickets? Are activists quiet?Certainly the issue isn’t getting media coverage. Certainly the Democratic Party leadership sold wolf tickets about no budget with no DACA fix included, but then negotiated a budget without including DACA.
A judge has ruled that DACA people can stay so that has taken the threat away for now. But immigration and the DACA recipients are still a huge issues for part of Democratic voters.


Well-Known Member
You are aware that Trump rode a populist wave and that it was Democrat voters in the Rust Belt who put him over the top?
Lol populist wave. trump got 46% of the vote. When McCain got trounced in 2008 he got 45.5% of the votes. trump won by 70,000 votes in 3 states. he eked out an extremely small victory. There was no populist wave for trump or even republicans in the last election. They lost seats in the senate where Democrats picked up 3 seats and the house where Democrats picked up 6 seats.

Trump won because the majority of American voters who voted during the last election and who didn’t want Trump did not coalesce around one candidate.


Well-Known Member
What's the Donald been up to? I haven't paid any attention to the news for a few days now. Is he still President or did that impeachment thing happen yet?

anyday now.. the government that leaks like a sieve has tightly held onto all that Russian collusion evidence and will spring it any day now.

if that does not happen then they will spring evidence of a cover up of the non existent evidence. because of course every one knows trump tried to cover up non existent evidence

if that does not happen then we're down to any meeting where a distant relative or low level staffer was drinking and overstating their importance to the trump campaign while a Russian ...any Russian was anywhere in the room.

if that does not happen then we're down to chasing girlfriends and porn stars to prove that Donald has gotten a lot of ass in his lifetime.