President Trump


Well-Known Member
How so?

China runs a tight ship...the kind of control Trump dreams he had.

Xi Jinping has basically nailed down the position of ‘Emperor’.

Xi will outlast and out-play Trump, and likely the next two or three US Presidents.

Look how Xi played the Donald...gave him a ‘special’ viewing of the Imperial Palace, threw him a Parade, lots of glitter and gold.

Lord knows the Donald loves a parade.

Sorry, DJT is a legend in his own mind, Xi Jinping is a legend in the making.

Aside from the notion that Trump’s policies are actually strengthening China’s global position.

I read a lot of Sci-Fi fiction, and some of the more compelling narratives are based on China becoming the dominant world power.

You’re literally watching it happen.

You’re old and retired...

Maybe I should teach my six-month old Mandarin.

sounds like you've found a place to move too. I don't know if it would improve china but it would improve our country.


Well-Known Member
Lol populist wave. trump got 46% of the vote. When McCain got trounced in 2008 he got 45.5% of the votes. trump won by 70,000 votes in 3 states. he eked out an extremely small victory. There was no populist wave for trump or even republicans in the last election. They lost seats in the senate where Democrats picked up 3 seats and the house where Democrats picked up 6 seats.

Trump won because the majority of American voters who voted during the last election and who didn’t want Trump did not coalesce around one candidate.

is this site paying you by the word?