President Trump


Inordinately Right
I own you Red X keep up the good performance
You went a year without responding to me because you're intellectually challenged. All I had to do was insult your dear leader Trump and you hopped into the boat and started flopping around.


Well-Known Member
In no circumstance die it help the American economy.

why would you say that? What he is doing is still evolving it may be years before we see if it helps the economy or not.

you libs keep trying to write the end to this story a year into his presidency.


Staff member
why would you say that? What he is doing is still evolving it may be years before we see if it helps the economy or not.

you libs keep trying to write the end to this story a year into his presidency.
by that logic, I suppose we could have stayed with Obamacare for a decade to see how things shook out, right?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Trump is improving things for everyone. Obamacare only helped the super poor at the expense of everyone else. Don't need 10 years to figure that out.
Not even close to true. Medical bankruptcies are much lower now that insurance companies have to actually cover people. Medicaid expansion was for people above the poverty line, so hardly the super poor.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Bankruptcies by insurers are way up. Way to friend up the system.
Should I feel bad for insurance companies that could only remain solvent by denying benefits to sick people? I'll take the financial security of knowing I'm actually covered were I to get sick which wasn't the case pre-ACA.


Well-Known Member
Should I feel bad for insurance companies that could only remain solvent by denying benefits to sick people? I'll take the financial security of knowing I'm actually covered were I to get sick which wasn't the case pre-ACA.
Um, being forced to cover people who are already sick pretty much breaks the bank. Insurance is supposed to cover future occurrences. Forcing insurers to cover the currently sick means raising premiums and deductibles on everyone else, which is exactly what has happened nationwide. If you had insurance pre-ACA you were covered.


Staff member
Um, being forced to cover people who are already sick pretty much breaks the bank. Insurance is supposed to cover future occurrences. Forcing insurers to cover the currently sick means raising premiums and deductibles on everyone else, which is exactly what has happened nationwide. If you had insurance pre-ACA you were covered.
That happens anyway when people went to the emergency room. The ACA made it somewhat more affordable.

Now if what you really want is to say that people without insurance (or independently wealthy) are not entitled to emergency room care, well that’s a different conversation.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Um, being forced to cover people who are already sick pretty much breaks the bank. Insurance is supposed to cover future occurrences. Forcing insurers to cover the currently sick means raising premiums and deductibles on everyone else, which is exactly what has happened nationwide. If you had insurance pre-ACA you were covered.
That's not how it worked at all in the private market. Forgot you broke a finger as a child and didn't mention it on your application, sorry, you die of cancer because you lied on your application. That's how it used to work.


Well-Known Member
That happens anyway when people went to the emergency room. The ACA made it somewhat more affordable.

Now if what you really want is to say that people without insurance (or independently wealthy) are not entitled to emergency room care, well that’s a different conversation.
Who was being denied emergency room care? But now even with work insurance the ER costs an arm and a leg.


Staff member
Who was being denied emergency room care? But now even with work insurance the ER costs an arm and a leg.
Good lord.

Nobody wants denied emergency room care. That’s the point.

Insurance premiums were skyrocketing to cover those costs before the ACA. The point is that if you want to control the insurance costs, one way would be to deny ER care to those unable to pay. I mean isn’t that what has you upset? Having to help pay for others?


Well-Known Member
Good lord.

Nobody wants denied emergency room care. That’s the point.

Insurance premiums were skyrocketing to cover those costs before the ACA. The point is that if you want to control the insurance costs, one way would be to deny ER care to those unable to pay. I mean isn’t that what has you upset? Having to help pay for others?
What has me upset is paying high premiums for insurance that will financially harm me if used. No one is being denied emergency room care nor were they before. Y'all always point to the most extreme examples but mainstream these days means most pay a good deal more than they used to. Fine if you make enough money but for a lot of us it's too much. Maybe we should put everyone on a sliding scale. The more you make the more you pay. You gross three times the national average family income? You pay three times as much. You make half the average income? You pay half what an average family would pay. Maybe then those liberals with great paying jobs wouldn't be so eager to force everyone else into high medical bills.