President Trump


Staff member
What has me upset is paying high premiums for insurance that will financially harm me if used. No one is being denied emergency room care nor were they before. Y'all always point to the most extreme examples but mainstream these days means most pay a good deal more than they used to. Fine if you make enough money but for a lot of us it's too much. Maybe we should put everyone on a sliding scale. The more you make the more you pay. You gross three times the national average family income? You pay three times as much. You make half the average income? You pay half what an average family would pay. Maybe then those liberals with great paying jobs wouldn't be so eager to force everyone else into high medical bills.
Hey now!
These subsidies work on a sliding scale, limiting what you are personally required to contribute toward your premiums to a fixed percentage of your annual income.
How Obamacare subsidies work


Well-Known Member
You're old and unemployed, he is paying a good deal more than you.
Oh no, no, no. The problem with liberals is you're always eager to spend other people's money. It's time to pony up. Pay until it hurts because you care so much. If you make a lot, you should pay a lot. It's what you want from the rich but not for yourselves. Make $100k? You should pay three times as much for your healthcare than the poor soul making $33k. It's only fair. All those years getting crapped on by FedEx we still had to pay the same for healthcare as the topped out people did. It's time people who like to talk smack about not wanting to help others put their money where their mouth is and instead of buying expensive cars put their money into healthcare, and at a much higher rate.


Staff member
Oh no, no, no. The problem with liberals is you're always eager to spend other people's money. It's time to pony up. Pay until it hurts because you care so much. If you make a lot, you should pay a lot. It's what you want from the rich but not for yourselves. Make $100k? You should pay three times as much for your healthcare than the poor soul making $33k. It's only fair. All those years getting crapped on by FedEx we still had to pay the same for healthcare as the topped out people did. It's time people who like to talk smack about not wanting to help others put their money where their mouth is and instead of buying expensive cars put their money into healthcare, and at a much higher rate.
Now you're getting it!


Staff member
Oh no, no, no. The problem with liberals is you're always eager to spend other people's money. It's time to pony up. Pay until it hurts because you care so much. If you make a lot, you should pay a lot. It's what you want from the rich but not for yourselves. Make $100k? You should pay three times as much for your healthcare than the poor soul making $33k. It's only fair. All those years getting crapped on by FedEx we still had to pay the same for healthcare as the topped out people did. It's time people who like to talk smack about not wanting to help others put their money where their mouth is and instead of buying expensive cars put their money into healthcare, and at a much higher rate.
You really have no idea what Obamacare is, do you?


Probably the Greatest American Alive
Oh no, no, no. The problem with liberals is you're always eager to spend other people's money. It's time to pony up. Pay until it hurts because you care so much. If you make a lot, you should pay a lot. It's what you want from the rich but not for yourselves. Make $100k? You should pay three times as much for your healthcare than the poor soul making $33k. It's only fair. All those years getting crapped on by FedEx we still had to pay the same for healthcare as the topped out people did. It's time people who like to talk smack about not wanting to help others put their money where their mouth is and instead of buying expensive cars put their money into healthcare, and at a much higher rate.
What the hell are you rambling on about? People in power, liberal or conservative, want the same thing, more power. They already have money. We are taxed at different rates. The first, and most important component of health care starts with the individual, not the system. The majority of the illnesses, and trips to the hospital can be avoided be wise judgment, smart budgeting, and safe habits. I guess you want them to pay 3x as much for broccoli as you do, just so we can subsidize the profits to help feed hungry children in India. Quit whining. You sound like a toddler.


Staff member
What the hell are you rambling on about? People in power, liberal or conservative, want the same thing, more power. They already have money. We are taxed at different rates. The first, and most important component of health care starts with the individual, not the system. The majority of the illnesses, and trips to the hospital can be avoided be wise judgment, smart budgeting, and safe habits. I guess you want them to pay 3x as much for broccoli as you do, just so we can subsidize the profits to help feed hungry children in India. Quit whining. You sound like a toddler.
Easy there brother, that's a hard core Trump conservative you're talking to...


Well-Known Member
You really have no idea what Obamacare is, do you?
You're not feeling me bro. I'm saying if you and I go in for the exact same procedure on the same day, and you make three times more than me, you should pay three times more than me. If I have to spend $8k out of pocket, you should have to spend $24k. Not $8k because we have identical policies. You have a callous disregard for what people have to shell out on lower income than you, acting like it's no big deal. So if you're advocating that everyone should pony up to help the poor then those like you who make more should have to pay a lot more. When it cuts into your playtime with your toys maybe it'll sink in that many of us are just trying to get the mortgage paid, don't have money for anything but the basics, and don't need jackasses with money to burn telling us we're haters, bigots, and whatnot for not wanting to share the little we have. As if we don't ever try to help others in any way we can but there's only so much we can do with the money we have.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You're not feeling me bro. I'm saying if you and I go in for the exact same procedure on the same day, and you make three times more than me, you should pay three times more than me. If I have to spend $8k out of pocket, you should have to spend $24k. Not $8k because we have identical policies. You have a callous disregard for what people have to shell out on lower income than you, acting like it's no big deal. So if you're advocating that everyone should pony up to help the poor then those like you who make more should have to pay a lot more. When it cuts into your playtime with your toys maybe it'll sink in that many of us are just trying to get the mortgage paid, don't have money for anything but the basics, and don't need jackasses with money to burn telling us we're haters, bigots, and whatnot for not wanting to share the little we have. As if we don't ever try to help others in any way we can but there's only so much we can do with the money we have.
Wut? You as an unemployed old man get massive subsidies for health insurance. Well off younger people pay full fare. How much more do you want?


Probably the Greatest American Alive
Yeah, my dad's one too, and I give him the same spiel. He's mostly a racist, but covertly and ignorantly. But seriously, people have worked harder than you, gotten ahead, or they're just "blessed" with a silver spoon. We live in caste societies, always have, always will. It doesn't matter if its anarchism, socialism, communism, or a democracy, etc. Some people always get the cheek meat, deservedly so or not.