President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

Someone smarter or more interested than me could make a valid case for Trump looking like a 'donkey' for all the times, before he was even campaigning (and during) that he called out Obama and Hillary for x...

And then goes and does x when he's Prez.

Please, this guy's a clown, the joke's over.

I have no idea if there's anything 'there' there, in terms of impeachable offenses, and I don't care.

This little experiment (Trump Presidency) in my opinion, has run its course.

Guy builds his cabinet on who can say yes fastest and who looks good on TV.

He runs policy based on Fox $ Friends - it would be hilarious if it wasn't so completely deranged.

Fire this dude.
You can in 2 1/2 years.

I’m just enjoying the show just like I did with Obama.

6 of one, half a dozen of the other.


Well-Known Member
China could completely cut us out, they’d survive.

Could we say the same?

China has been playing the long game for 4000 years.

I think they can out-wait Trump.

Just saying.
Comparing China's economy with their economy even 100 years ago is a fallacy. China is extremely dependent on the American economy for it to do well. It's a symbiotic relationship, but they controlled it to where it benefits them much more than us. Trump is trying to level the playing field. And China is using all of this new found wealth to dominate their region and spread their tentacles to wherever there are raw materials they need. It's not a matter of out waiting Trump, it's about containing their desire to control much of the world before they get too big to contain. Up to now that wasn't happening because too many were willing to kiss their ass to get at all that money flowing out.


Well-Known Member
Comparing China's economy with their economy even 100 years ago is a fallacy. China is extremely dependent on the American economy for it to do well. It's a symbiotic relationship, but they controlled it to where it benefits them much more than us. Trump is trying to level the playing field. And China is using all of this new found wealth to dominate their region and spread their tentacles to wherever there are raw materials they need. It's not a matter of out waiting Trump, it's about containing their desire to control much of the world before they get too big to contain. Up to now that wasn't happening because too many were willing to kiss their ass to get at all that money flowing out.

Your answer contains my reply.

China can outlast us in this current ‘Connect-Four’ strategy that Trump is playing.

My point was that China can realistically completely shut the US out of their market, and they would be just fine...

The manufacturing/financial sectors of China’s economy are State controlled, and the US is only a small sector of their game.

China trades with the EU, Japan, Australia, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, on and on and on.

Would it suck for China to Rick-Roll us?

Yes, but not as much as it would suck to be Rick-rolled by China.

And by the way, who’s dependant on whom?

The TPP would have addressed a lot of those concerns...

Oh well, let’s just pick up every brick ourselves, and spend the extra time putting those bricks right where we were going to put the bricks anyway, but now we’re paying 1.12% for the same :censored2:ing bricks.

Thanks Hillary/Obama.
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