President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Moreluck , have you checked out Stormy's lawyer ? He's in legal hot water himself. If anyone is going to jail soon , it's going to be him.
I've come to the conclusion that Trump is not the target of these investigations but rather the subject.

I'm simply no longer interested because it doesn't affect me.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Moreluck , have you checked out Stormy's lawyer ? He's in legal hot water himself. If anyone is going to jail soon , it's going to be him.

Nah. Trump and co. first.

“this raid involved not only the U.S. attorney’s office, but also a federal judge or magistrate judge signing off on the search warrant on the president’s lawyer after finding probable cause of criminal acts. That’s a big deal. A magistrate is not a federal judge, but they are appointed by federal judges, and they are not going to mess around in such a high-profile case. The prosecutors had to show not only probable cause of a crime, but they probably also had to persuade the magistrate that attorney-client privilege did not protect against the raid. Prosecutors likely had to convince the magistrate that at least some of the evidence would fit the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, and that bar is usually set very high”

Why Robert Mueller Handed Off the Michael Cohen Raid

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Nah. Trump and co. first.

“this raid involved not only the U.S. attorney’s office, but also a federal judge or magistrate judge signing off on the search warrant on the president’s lawyer after finding probable cause of criminal acts. That’s a big deal. A magistrate is not a federal judge, but they are appointed by federal judges, and they are not going to mess around in such a high-profile case. The prosecutors had to show not only probable cause of a crime, but they probably also had to persuade the magistrate that attorney-client privilege did not protect against the raid. Prosecutors likely had to convince the magistrate that at least some of the evidence would fit the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, and that bar is usually set very high”

Why Robert Mueller Handed Off the Michael Cohen Raid
News source is SLATE


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: HIGH

Notes: Slate is an English-language online current affairs, politics and culture magazine in the United States that trends towards a liberal viewpoint through story choices and wording. Slate tends to source to credible information, but uses rather sensationalized headlines to increase clicks. (5/15/2016) Updated (2/24/2017)


Staff member
News source is SLATE


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: HIGH

Notes: Slate is an English-language online current affairs, politics and culture magazine in the United States that trends towards a liberal viewpoint through story choices and wording. Slate tends to source to credible information, but uses rather sensationalized headlines to increase clicks. (5/15/2016) Updated (2/24/2017)
It certainly is left leaning but do you think their logic is reasonable?


Well-Known Member
Today's action's, combined with Congress's total ineptitude in investigating previous scandals, the FBI's finding concerning HC, and not referring prosecution to the DOJ (Loretta Lynch, Attorney General), among other past indiscretions, (Fast and Furious, etc) has lead me to the point where I am ashamed to be an American today. This country, as a lawful nation is lost, stick a fork in it, it's done. I posted months ago that the country was lost, finished, it's there to be found, I may look for it to note it again.
The country is lost when the rule of law is twisted to suit one's needs. I, for the first time in my life, (to take a page from Michelle Obama) am ashamed to be an American today. Today we became one of the shatholes Donald Trump mentioned a couple of months ago. There is absolutely no truth seeking currently in regard to the signing of the special Counsel, Mueller is an inquisitor in search of anything to bring down a duly elected president, no more no less. I'm ashamed, and since our country and legal system has evolved to this, PISS on it. You who enjoy this, take heed, the rule of law does not exist, freedom and liberty was lost today so you can actually see it.
Enjoy the future that was wrought today.


Staff member
Today's action's, combined with Congress's total ineptitude in investigating previous scandals, the FBI's finding concerning HC, and not referring prosecution to the DOJ (Loretta Lynch, Attorney General), among other past indiscretions, (Fast and Furious, etc) has lead me to the point where I am ashamed to be an American today. This country, as a lawful nation is lost, stick a fork in it, it's done. I posted months ago that the country was lost, finished, it's there to be found, I may look for it to note it again.
The country is lost when the rule of law is twisted to suit one's needs. I, for the first time in my life, (to take a page from Michelle Obama) am ashamed to be an American today. Today we became one of the shatholes Donald Trump mentioned a couple of months ago. There is absolutely no truth seeking currently in regard to the signing of the special Counsel, Mueller is an inquisitor in search of anything to bring down a duly elected president, no more no less. I'm ashamed, and since our country and legal system has evolved to this, PISS on it. You who enjoy this, take heed, the rule of law does not exist, freedom and liberty was lost today so you can actually see it.
Enjoy the future that was wrought today.


Well-Known Member
Expected, sorry to bore you.
A better answer from you would have been,
"Yes I do hate Trump, get over it. Can you support one thing you have claimed?"

I'm the stupid guy let's walk through this, Let's find out if it is hate or if there is actually some substance.


golden ticket member
Moreluck , have you checked out Stormy's lawyer ? He's in legal hot water himself. If anyone is going to jail soon , it's going to be him.
I still think Mueller has over-reached.....why not go after the Australian with the fake Black Lives Matter page on Facebook....Zuckerberg is in D.C......see, it's convenient!! Mueller reminds me of the person with no focus who is talking about taxes and then says...."Oh, look, a chicken!"


Well-Known Member
I still think Mueller has over-reached.....why not go after the Australian with the fake Black Lives Matter page on Facebook....Zuckerberg is in D.C......see, it's convenient!! Mueller reminds me of the person with no focus who is talking about taxes and then says...."Oh, look, a chicken!"

Mueller is laser focused on achieving the results he laid out prior to starting his investigation.


Staff member
Expected, sorry to bore you.
A better answer from you would have been,
"Yes I do hate Trump, get over it. Can you support one thing you have claimed?"

I'm the stupid guy let's walk through this, Let's find out if it is hate or if there is actually some substance.
Ok. So you’re all ashamed of America because:

1). After years of investigation from Trey Gowdy and others, Hillary still walks free.

2). After more than a year an ongoing investigation that has led to multiple arrests and guilty pleas is still a “witch hunt”.

3). A DOJ and FBI refuses to acquiesce to the president.

4). A republican House and Senate has stood on the sidelines and not defended the president strongly enough.

5). The president parroting Fox News talking points doesn’t seem to be stalling the investigation.

The special counsel mandate is wide-ranging. Whining about collusion and this and that is nonsense. Trump’s run a foul of Washington and it’s a “battle royals” between the swamp and the cesspool.

Be ashamed if you want. But if this is the first time, then you just haven’t paid attention to the depth and breadth of the swamp.


Staff member
Going after Trump Foundation over 150k.

Same Ukranian also gave 13 million to Clinton Foundation.

Are you saying both should get a pass or neither should get a pass?

You guys do realize that this is all “republicans eating their own”, right?


Well-Known Member
Going after Trump Foundation over 150k.

Same Ukranian also gave 13 million to Clinton Foundation.
Old news, nothing to see here. The corruption of the legal system, pertaining to these matters is sickening. The country is lost when lady justice takes her blind fold off. She did with Hillary, and Obama and decided not to pursue, she now seeks a target with laser vision, seeking anything, even if totally unrelated to the non stated crime. She's a Lady looking for a crime, or anything to unseat a President. Totally despicable, I'm ashamed of my country.