President Trump


nowhere special
Old news, nothing to see here. The corruption of the legal system, pertaining to these matters is sickening. The country is lost when lady justice takes her blind fold off. She did with Hillary, and Obama and decided not to pursue, she now seeks a target with laser vision, seeking anything, even if totally unrelated to the non stated crime. She's a Lady looking for a crime, or anything to unseat a President. Totally despicable, I'm ashamed of my country.

It smells like Mueller is desperate to deflect attention away from himself ahead of the pending IG report.


Well-Known Member
Ok. So you’re all ashamed of America because:

1). After years of investigation from Trey Gowdy and others, Hillary still walks free.

2). After more than a year an ongoing investigation that has led to multiple arrests and guilty pleas is still a “witch hunt”.

3). A DOJ and FBI refuses to acquiesce to the president.

4). A republican House and Senate has stood on the sidelines and not defended the president strongly enough.

5). The president parroting Fox News talking points doesn’t seem to be stalling the investigation.

The special counsel mandate is wide-ranging. Whining about collusion and this and that is nonsense. Trump’s run a foul of Washington and it’s a “battle royals” between the swamp and the cesspool.

Be ashamed if you want. But if this is the first time, then you just haven’t paid attention to the depth and breadth of the swamp.
You are incorrect on all points


Well-Known Member
It smells like Mueller is desperate to deflect attention away from himself ahead of the pending IG report.
I doubt that, this guy clearly thinks he is bigger than the law, and disregards legal ethics because he has never, as well as his prosecutors had to answer to their unethical behavior. The clown knows he has the backing of 100% of the democrats, and most likely 70% of the republicans. The country is lost, good thing we're both old and won't be around for the last shovel of dirt. You may not agree, is just my opinion.
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Well-Known Member
Ok. So you’re all ashamed of America because:

1). After years of investigation from Trey Gowdy and others, Hillary still walks free.

2). After more than a year an ongoing investigation that has led to multiple arrests and guilty pleas is still a “witch hunt”.

3). A DOJ and FBI refuses to acquiesce to the president.

4). A republican House and Senate has stood on the sidelines and not defended the president strongly enough.

5). The president parroting Fox News talking points doesn’t seem to be stalling the investigation.

The special counsel mandate is wide-ranging. Whining about collusion and this and that is nonsense. Trump’s run a foul of Washington and it’s a “battle royals” between the swamp and the cesspool.

Be ashamed if you want. But if this is the first time, then you just haven’t paid attention to the depth and breadth of the swamp.
That whole post is BS, You hate the guy and that is it, obviously you're not the only one. It's the only way your types can turn around an election. Piss on that kind of country, and the ones that support this coup.


Well-Known Member
I doubt that, this guy clearly thinks he is bigger than the law, and disregards legal ethics because he has never, as well as his prosecutors had to answer unethical behavior. The clown knows he has the backing of 100% of the democrats, and most likely 70% of the republicans. The country is lost, good thing we're both old and won't be around for the last shovel of dirt. You may not agree, is just my opinion.
I was wrong to believe he was just being thorough. Clearly going beyond his mandate to find anything that at least would smear Trump.


Staff member
You're free to kiss my backside also, I can be ashamed and still fight, no quit in me. Since you mentioned leaving, how many of the loudmouth celebrities that claimed they would leave if Trump won actually left?
Don’t know, don’t care.

Trump’s corrupt to the core and all your fighting won’t save him. Carry on.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Lets get this straight, for the last time, I am not a republican, period... ya got that.
And I'm a registered independent, what's your point? You're crying about a "conspiracy" being carried out by Trump's own political appointees. Trump holds the same levers of power that the evil Obama used to protect himself, right?


Well-Known Member
Don’t know, don’t care.

Trump’s corrupt to the core and all your fighting won’t save him. Carry on.
I'm not going anywhere, Moses
Saying Trump is corrupt and giving H rotten Clinton a pass, and Barry Obama made my point, you have no interest in the truth.


Well-Known Member
And I'm a registered independent, what's your point? You're crying about a "conspiracy" being carried out by Trump's own political appointees. Trump holds the same levers of power that the evil Obama used to protect himself, right?
Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, they are embedded FBI, I assume you are aware of their contribution to this fiasco. I know you'll say they're FBI, they're honest and clean, don't have any political point of view, only justice. BS. If you were FBI would you change your stripes to be just. Of course not. I have never claimed a conspiracy by Trumps political appointees, quit lying. I have said, not sure if it was here or to my friends that he did make some bad appointments, Reince Priebus most notably. And Senator McCain and Graham should just get a room and pleasure each other till McCain expires.


Well-Known Member
Mueller is laser focused on achieving the results he laid out prior to starting his investigation.
Now I see why many think you to be fool, always tried to be nice to you but seriously, is your thinking so disjointed? Better yet, I'll give you one more chance, I don't know your previous thoughts. Is Mueller seeking justice. A simple yes or no will give me my answer.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, they are embedded FBI, I assume you are aware of their contribution to this fiasco. I know you'll say they're FBI, they're honest and clean, don't have any political point of view, only justice. BS. If you were FBI would you change your stripes to be just. Of course not. I have never claimed a conspiracy by Trumps political appointees, quit lying. I have said, not sure if it was here or to my friends that he did make some bad appointments, Reince Priebus most notably. And Senator McCain and Graham should just get a room and pleasure each other till McCain expires.
The current investigation you are in a tizzy about is under the direction of Rod Rosenstien appointed by Donald Trump.