President Trump


golden ticket member
Stormi's lawyer is screaming about what might be in the stuff picked up in the raid......I thought there was suppose to be a neutral party sorting through the stuff and only giving relevant material to the special counsel.


nowhere special
Stormi's lawyer is screaming about what might be in the stuff picked up in the raid......I thought there was suppose to be a neutral party sorting through the stuff and only giving relevant material to the special counsel.

They just grabbed everything they saw. Whether they were allowed to or not.


golden ticket member
That's pretty much what happens in a raid. Ttku
It was disclosed a few days ago that all confiscated stuff would be gone through by a neutral party and only the stuff pertaining to the special counsel will be given to them. The rest would fall under Attorney-client privilege.
Judge N. already explained this....TTKU.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
It was disclosed a few days ago that all confiscated stuff would be gone through by a neutral party and only the stuff pertaining to the special counsel will be given to them. The rest would fall under Attorney-client privilege.
Judge N. already explained this....TTKU.
Attorney client privilege does not exist when conspiring to cover up a crime. Like maybe obstruction of justice? Or money laundering? Or campaign financing? Or fraud? So many choices.The GOParty of Law&Order sure likes to twist law and order.
Drumpf, famously, does not use email. Therefore any email communications between drumpf and Cohen had to go through a third person.

No privilege


Well-Known Member
You make blanket statements about Republicans that just don't hold up under scrutiny. You can obfuscate all you want, Democrats use race to divide us and obtain votes. It's poisoning the country, and may be about too late to repair the damage.

I disagree. I think my posts about republicans holds up to lots of scrutiny. I think the idea that republican voters care about policy in the age of Trump has been obliterated. Trump voters stated reasons for supporting Trump have all been violated by Trump save for one issue.

No one can say what Trump stands for on anything. Anything outside of hating Mexican immigrants, hating Muslim immigrants and hating black people from crap hole nations.

So supporting Trump is not about policy because Trump has no clearly defined beliefs. One week we are leaving Syria, the very next we he says we are bombing Syria until they can't launch chemical weapons at their citizens. This is how Trump is on every issues. So why do republicans love him?

I say it is because Trump hates the same groups of Americans they hate. That is the one consistency of Trump.


Well-Known Member
meanwhile cities run exclusively by democrats are dumpsters fires exhibiting racism in practice. They hold minoriites down, and force them to live in crime ridden communities begging for their democratic masters handouts.

your argument is so blind to reality

Again, this is all meaningless blather, if republicans want to win elections with city voters in major US cities, they have to have a political agenda that is appealing to those voters. The reality is the republican party and its voters hate those citizens and see them as depraved and see their citizenship as dragging down American cities and the nation, in other words they have a bigoted viewpoint.

So, instead of republicans trying to appeal to those voters, republican elected officials understand that their voters see those Americans as the enemy as takers, as lazy, as criminal, as immoral, and republicans actively run on taking government programs away from those people.


Well-Known Member
are you really that naïve ? Trumps actions continue to dispute the liberal mantra. Trump is accused of misogyny yet his actions in being a leader in hiring and promoting women to executive positions is second to none. Trump accused of being a racist yet his actions in hiring and promoting continue to defy that narrative.

I should also point out that your statement is racist in that it excludes other races that trump has hired and promoted. in the liberal cesspool you swim in racism can only be against blacks and Hispanics. broaden your perspective. learn to appreciate all races.

Trump does have bigoted beliefs about Mexicans, Muslims, and black people. Not only does he have bigoted beliefs his actions that I detailed in my previous post show, that he is running the presidency based on his racist bigotry.

I didn't detail his grotesque behavior with women, but that's well documented as well.