President Trump


Well-Known Member
Ignore him.
Not UPS or FDX.
He monitors some gauges during his night shift and spends all his time trolling the Internet.
Not even Ricky Bobby level.

Lol, my posts has you telling others to ignore me. Man, I barely post on here and I hardly ever post directly to other posters. I come in post what I post then I bounce. Who am I trolling exactly?

I do believe that republicans are mostly bigoted because I believe that maintaining existing power dynamics within American society, power dynamics which included the exclusion of large numbers of Americans from fully participating in American society is the core of the republican political identity.

As such, republicans don't really care about "policy", they care about maintaining that power structure which again excluded a large number of Americans.


Well-Known Member
Lol, my posts has you telling others to ignore me. Man, I barely post on here and I hardly ever post directly to other posters. I come in post what I post then I bounce. Who am I trolling exactly?

I do believe that republicans are mostly bigoted because I believe that maintaining existing power dynamics within American society, power dynamics which included the exclusion of large numbers of Americans from fully participating in American society is the core of the republican political identity.

As such, republicans don't really care about "policy", they care about maintaining that power structure which again excluded a large number of Americans.
And one can just as easily argue that Democrats maintain their power structure with identity politics, casting Republicans as the boogeyman who's going to take away minority rights and on and on. What exactly do fear mongering Democrats stand for? How in any way do they advance race relations with identity politics? What good does it do the country?


Well-Known Member
good timing on that rhetoric , do you think on your own or are you simply a DNC bot?

This Is the Woman President Trump Wants to Be the First Female African-American Marine General pick for the first-african-american-woman-general/

Marine Corps selects 1st black woman to be a general officer

Wow, that disproves Trump's racism how exactly? He has Ben Carson in his cabinet. He has a black Surgeon General. So why would this prove anything.

Trump is a racist, who repeatedly retweets Nazis and white supremacists, In fact, trump retweeted a racist phony tweet about race and crime, trump also said that some Nazis and white supremacists, at that racist Charlottesville rally where white supremacists killed a person, were good people, he was sued by the DOJ for discrimination against black renters, he he was reported to have said he doesn't want black people counting his money, he only wants Jewish people, he called Haiti and African nations crap holes and said we don't want immigrants from there we want immigrants from Norway, he called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals, he said a judge couldn't decide his case because he was Mexican, he tried to ban Muslim immigration, he lied and said muslim Americans from around the nation celebrated on 9/11.
Those are all racist acts and promoting 3 black people in his administration means nothing in the face of those acts.


Well-Known Member
And one can just as easily argue that Democrats maintain their power structure with identity politics, casting Republicans as the boogeyman who's going to take away minority rights and on and on. What exactly do fear mongering Democrats stand for? How in any way do they advance race relations with identity politics? What good does it do the country?

All politics is identity politics. There are the Evangelicals, the job creators/business owners, gun owners, etc those are all identity politics. Those are all political identities that republicans promote endlessly.

So your basic argument is bogus and shows the dishonesty of conservative argumentation, how does promoting gun owners as a political identity advance American unity?

How does promoting job creators as a political identity advance American unity?

If some political identities can exist why can't others?


Well-Known Member
All politics is identity politics. There are the Evangelicals, the job creators/business owners, gun owners, etc those are all identity politics. Those are all political identities that republicans promote endlessly.

So your basic argument is bogus and shows the dishonesty of conservative argumentation, how does promoting gun owners as a political identity advance American unity?

How does promoting job creators as a political identity advance American unity?

If some political identities can exist why can't others?
People are what they are. But the only thing comparable on the Republican side is fear of losing their gun rights and religious freedom. And that really only drives certain segments. But the Democrats cast every Republican as racist and greedy. Divisive rhetoric permeates every election. You're doing much more to divide this country than the Republicans are. I saw Republicans in 2016 talk about fixing the economy. Democrats were fear mongering. Same as always. Look at your posts, fear mongering.


Well-Known Member
People are what they are. But the only thing comparable on the Republican side is fear of losing their gun rights and religious freedom. And that really only drives certain segments. But the Democrats cast every Republican as racist and greedy. Divisive rhetoric permeates every election. You're doing much more to divide this country than the Republicans are. I saw Republicans in 2016 talk about fixing the economy. Democrats were fear mongering. Same as always. Look at your posts, fear mongering.
People are what they are means what exactly in the context of identity politics?
No, there are many, many examples in all of politics and certainly republican politics. You have atheists, hell even identifying as a republican, Democrat, libertarian, socialist is a political identity. Farmers, Soccer moms, Military vets, doctors, lawyers, fathers, mothers, middle class families, job creators/business owners, etc. These are all political identities that are promoted by the republican party and by definition they can be interpreted as exclusionary and divisive.

If an elected official is introducing legislation to help "farmers" and you aren't a farmer..... If an elected official is introducing legislation to help middle class families and you aren't a middle class family..... If an elected official is introducing legislation to help business owners and you aren't a business owner.....

republicans are mostly bigots who have extremely negative beliefs about various groups of Americans, and they love Trump's bigotry towards those Americans.
That's divisive, me pointing it out is not dividing anything.


Well-Known Member
People are what they are means what exactly in the context of identity politics?
No, there are many, many examples in all of politics and certainly republican politics. You have atheists, hell even identifying as a republican, Democrat, libertarian, socialist is a political identity. Farmers, Soccer moms, Military vets, doctors, lawyers, fathers, mothers, middle class families, job creators/business owners, etc. These are all political identities that are promoted by the republican party and by definition they can be interpreted as exclusionary and divisive.

If an elected official is introducing legislation to help "farmers" and you aren't a farmer..... If an elected official is introducing legislation to help middle class families and you aren't a middle class family..... If an elected official is introducing legislation to help business owners and you aren't a business owner.....

republicans are mostly bigots who have extremely negative beliefs about various groups of Americans, and they love Trump's bigotry towards those Americans.
That's divisive, me pointing it out is not dividing anything.
You make blanket statements about Republicans that just don't hold up under scrutiny. You can obfuscate all you want, Democrats use race to divide us and obtain votes. It's poisoning the country, and may be about too late to repair the damage.


Well-Known Member
I do believe that republicans are mostly bigoted because I believe that maintaining existing power dynamics within American society, power dynamics which included the exclusion of large numbers of Americans from fully participating in American society is the core of the republican political identity.

meanwhile cities run exclusively by democrats are dumpsters fires exhibiting racism in practice. They hold minoriites down, and force them to live in crime ridden communities begging for their democratic masters handouts.

your argument is so blind to reality


Well-Known Member
Wow, that disproves Trump's racism how exactly? He has Ben Carson in his cabinet. He has a black Surgeon General. So why would this prove anything.

are you really that naïve ? Trumps actions continue to dispute the liberal mantra. Trump is accused of misogyny yet his actions in being a leader in hiring and promoting women to executive positions is second to none. Trump accused of being a racist yet his actions in hiring and promoting continue to defy that narrative.

I should also point out that your statement is racist in that it excludes other races that trump has hired and promoted. in the liberal cesspool you swim in racism can only be against blacks and Hispanics. broaden your perspective. learn to appreciate all races.
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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Lol, my posts has you telling others to ignore me. Man, I barely post on here and I hardly ever post directly to other posters. I come in post what I post then I bounce. Who am I trolling exactly?

I do believe that republicans are mostly bigoted because I believe that maintaining existing power dynamics within American society, power dynamics which included the exclusion of large numbers of Americans from fully participating in American society is the core of the republican political identity.

As such, republicans don't really care about "policy", they care about maintaining that power structure which again excluded a large number of Americans.
Brown Cafe logo - not for refinery workers.jpg

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
I see the juvenile delinquents are busy today.

I think about the NDAs Cohen probably did for Sean "family values" Hannity's side :censored2: pieces and nearly go into a seizure.

"There were audible gasps and one shout of “holy :censored2:” when Hannity’s name was revealed on the courtroom. I ran outside. I’ve emailed Hannity and he has yet to respond."
