President Trump


Got the T-Shirt


Bad Moon Risen'
How is trying to strong arm Manafort and Flynn matters that arose from the investigation? And it was discovered Clinton lied under oath. They didn't pressure him into saying something they could twist. It was discovered afterward. Clinton was a licensed lawyer, an officer of the court. He had a legal obligation to answer truthfully. He thought he could control the situation and that was his undoing. A bit different than trying to trap Trump into saying something.
All Trump would have to do is answer truthfully. Just something not in his nature.


Well-Known Member
You seem to want to prevent impeachment no bay any means possible.
I want to see impeachment only for actual crimes. If the Russian collusion narrative is about nothing more than bureaucrats working together to ruin Trump then it's they, not Trump, who should face prosecution. And I'd like to see equal justice under the law, with everyone subject to the same standard, not get a free pass.


Well-Known Member
When Mueller is doing his job, and he finds evidence of illegality, what’s his role?

Do you think Flynn and Manafort are innocent? Cohen? Is he innocent? The judge that approved the no-knock warrant in Cohens’ case saw the evidence.

Point being, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mueller’s investigation vindicates Trump vis-a-vis purposeful collusion with the ‘Russians’.

But if a cop pulls me over for speeding, and I have an underage girl tied up and hand-cuffed in my back seat, think the cop will look the other way, because, you know, the initial cause was speeding?

What was Flynn guilty of? Lying? FBI agents who interviewed him said they saw no evidence of deception. Mueller railroaded the guy. And he has had to sell his house to pay his legal fees. Some justice.


Staff member
I want to see impeachment only for actual crimes. If the Russian collusion narrative is about nothing more than bureaucrats working together to ruin Trump then it's they, not Trump, who should face prosecution. And I'd like to see equal justice under the law, with everyone subject to the same standard, not get a free pass.
Equal justice seems to mean not ending the investigation since Hillary has been investigated since the 90’s.


Well-Known Member
Equal justice seems to mean not ending the investigation since Hillary has been investigated since the 90’s.
She has had plenty of cover since then too. What does what she did as Secretary of State and later have to do with Whitewater? If she conducted Federal business on an unsecured private server, if she passed classfied documents through that server, if she deleted 33,000 emails while under subpoena, if she then used software programs to make retrieving those emails impossible, and smashed her BlackBerry as well as her aides, then she's guilty of multiple crimes. And I haven't even brought up what was contained in those missing emails that she didn't want people to see. People have gone to prison or have been threatened with prison for a lot less. Ask Flynn.


Well-Known Member
She has had plenty of cover since then too. What does what she did as Secretary of State and later have to do with Whitewater? If she conducted Federal business on an unsecured private server, if she passed classfied documents through that server, if she deleted 33,000 emails while under subpoena, if she then used software programs to make retrieving those emails impossible, and smashed her BlackBerry as well as her aides, then she's guilty of multiple crimes. And I haven't even brought up what was contained in those missing emails that she didn't want people to see. People have gone to prison or have been threatened with prison for a lot less. Ask Flynn.
P.S. On what exactly has she been investigated for since the 90's? I remember Whitewater. The commodities trading thing. Since she and Bill left the White House what has she been investigated for? She had a hearing over Benghazi but that wasn't about possible criminal charges. What else? You can't call Comey's looking into the "matter" a real investigation. Y'all keep saying she's been investigated forever so how about listing all the things they went after her for.