President Trump


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
I'm not sure what Trump did today has any bearing on Russia whatsoever.

Russia gonna do what Russia gonna do, do you think they care that we're (close to) reimposing sanctions on Iran?

How does that effect Russia?

Legit question on topic.

My point was that Trump will do what he's going to do whether or not it affects Russia. Putting sanctions on the Iran regime slows them down. Since Russia depends on them for some things this in turn affects Russia.

If Trump were in bed with Russia why would he do this? He didn't have to... In his opinion it was a bad deal, maybe he'll get a better one or we'll just go to war.

Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
You need to reread what I said with comprehension this time.

Dude, I read what you wrote, comprehended it, and simply disagreed.

Please skip the Agatha Christie crap where there's hidden meanings in your posts/ideas that the rest of us need to decipher to solve your mystery.

There's no mystery.

You're not Aristotle, you're just a guy (like me), who has opinions.

Clue-phone's ringing (it's for you):

Your opinions are worth exactly as much as mine are: not much.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I read what you wrote, comprehended it, and simply disagreed.

Please skip the Agatha Christie crap where there's hidden meanings in your posts/ideas that the rest of us need to decipher to solve your mystery.

There's no mystery.

You're not Aristotle, you're just a guy (like me), who has opinions.

Clue-phone's ringing (it's for you):

Your opinions are worth exactly as much as mine are: not much.
Actually our opinions are worth nothing. If you thought I was ok with deficits now you truly missed it. Trust me, I know who I am, just a guy that has learned a little from life. I was a smart guy like you about 40 plus years ago, I found out later I didn't know as much as I thought I did. Enjoy your little seven monther, your gonna get what you just dealt to me. It's all right, part of life and growing up. Aristotle, Chapter 1 first sentence.


Well-Known Member
Ummm. Sure. Typo.

You’re weird.
Worse that weird. You're not so smart other than fedex stuff. We're even now.
I couldn't decipher the meaning. I know I post a lot of indiscernible BS myself. You'll figure stuff out as soon as you are as wise as the old man jingles. Sharpen your pencil.

El Correcto

god is dead



Well-Known Member
You gotta love a guy with nuts that big. The man has a big heart but knows how to rub someone's nose in it. With him there is no malice though, the left that attacks, well that's a different story. He is the right man for this time.

Those are fake, fake news, you're commending a guy about stuff that isn't real.



Well-Known Member
Fake or not it's true. And his nuts are big enough to say it.

WINNER - this is why Trump succeeds, because you don't care if he's lying, you just want what he's lying about to be true.

You know it isn't true, but you feel like it should be true, so you're on board.

You're literally telling me that you support a guy whom you know is lying, while you simultaneously call everyone else who calls him on it a liar.



Well-Known Member
Oh, he's said it, it's in his head... just didn't tweet it. Are you going to deny you can't believe everyone of those words coming out of his mouth?

No, those were not his tweets, those were internet fakes.

Damn, you really don't know what's real, do you?

The Donald has you trained.


Well-Known Member
WINNER - this is why Trump succeeds, because you don't care if he's lying, you just want what he's lying about to be true.

You know it isn't true, but you feel like it should be true, so you're on board.

You're literally telling me that you support a guy whom you know is lying, while you simultaneously call everyone else who calls him on it a liar.

He didn't tweet it but every word was true. Please tell me what wasn't true.


Well-Known Member
No, those were not his tweets, those were internet fakes.

Damn, you really don't know what's real, do you?

The Donald has you trained.
You comprehension is lacking again, I clearly said he didn't tweet it, but I can guarantee he has said it in his head. That is what makes comedy funny, it has to be based on an element of truth, or total truth. What you just quoted I said he didn't tweet it. It's there for all to see. In his mind or even verbally I can see him saying those exact words... and they are truth.


Well-Known Member
You comprehension is lacking again, I clearly said he didn't tweet it, but I can guarantee he has said it in his head. That is what makes comedy funny, it has to be based on an element of truth, or total truth. What you just quoted I said he didn't tweet it. It's there for all to see. In his mind or even verbally I can see him saying those exact words... and they are truth.

What in God's green earth are you saying?

You're telling me that you're OK with someone else putting Fake Trump words in your head, because you think Trump probably would have said that.