President Trump


Well-Known Member
How does that say more about me?
Have I accused you of being anti -American because your views are different than mine?
Have I accused your parents of being Un-American because of how you view things politically?
Have I gone on a hate filled diatribe about how if you are different than me you a less of an American?
No, I don't believe I have.
View attachment 197300
You sicken me with with your divisive postings. You are the problem with this site!!!!!
By it's definition when you root against America you are acting unamerican


Well-Known Member
No, you said ‘your sweetie’.
Sweetie is a term often used to refer to ones wife. When he then posted a statement stating his sweetie to be his wife he essentially clarified the reference. Since he clarified the context was correct and did not require your correction. I hope this valuable education I am providing you is not wasted?


Well-Known Member
News flash Trump is not America, just like Obama was not America.
America is and should be bigger than one man or woman.
Deflection. You can't separate the success of the country from the president. When you root against his success in implementing his policies you root against the country being successful.


Well-Known Member


Just a turd
Deflection. You can't separate the success of the country from the president. When you root against his success in implementing his policies you root against the country being successful.
It's not a deflection. By your narrow definition of an American anyone who doesn't like a President is an enemy of America. Despite what you and our current Dictator wannabe think , that is not the principals America was founded on


Just a turd
Agreed are

My memory may be a bit fuzzy what nuclear war did Obama save us from that I rooted against Obama on?

What a joke you are as you stated above.
What nuclear war did his reckless bragging and boasting almost get us into? You cant pick a fight then claim the moral high ground because you avoided the fight you tried to start