President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Not lately ... it's like it's turning into smoke.


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
So you don't think Irish are "Real " Americans either. The level of racial bigotry you exhibit is staggering
This says more about you than you wished.
It's not about race ... it's about character and basic beliefs.

I'm half Irish.
It has nothing to do with one's racial/ancestral heritage.
It has to do with assimilation into the American heritage and believe in the American Dream.
It has to do with the belief in the individual.
It has to do with self-responsibility.

American Heritage
Americans embraced “the land of opportunity,” became the home of “the rugged individual,” humbly sharing it — “give me your tired and poor” — while rooting for the underdog. They admired individual initiative, but made fair play and helping others an integral part of the American character. Children were raised with a purpose: “Be the best you can be, help others and leave the world a better place.”

This heritage has been passed down to us by our ancestors and internalized by immigrants pursuing the “American dream.” Until 1945, this morality reflected American families, extended families, neighborhoods, schools, religions, and community organizations.


Well-Known Member
This says more about you than you wished.
It's not about race ... it's about character and basic beliefs.

I'm half Irish.
It has nothing to do with one's racial/ancestral heritage.
It has to do with assimilation into the American heritage and believe in the American Dream.
It has to do with the belief in the individual.
It has to do with self-responsibility.

American Heritage
Americans embraced “the land of opportunity,” became the home of “the rugged individual,” humbly sharing it — “give me your tired and poor” — while rooting for the underdog. They admired individual initiative, but made fair play and helping others an integral part of the American character. Children were raised with a purpose: “Be the best you can be, help others and leave the world a better place.”

This heritage has been passed down to us by our ancestors and internalized by immigrants pursuing the “American dream.” Until 1945, this morality reflected American families, extended families, neighborhoods, schools, religions, and community organizations.
Sounds more like President Obama than trump


Just a turd
This says more about you than you wished.
It's not about race ... it's about character and basic beliefs.

I'm half Irish.
It has nothing to do with one's racial/ancestral heritage.
It has to do with assimilation into the American heritage and believe in the American Dream.
It has to do with the belief in the individual.
It has to do with self-responsibility.

American Heritage
Americans embraced “the land of opportunity,” became the home of “the rugged individual,” humbly sharing it — “give me your tired and poor” — while rooting for the underdog. They admired individual initiative, but made fair play and helping others an integral part of the American character. Children were raised with a purpose: “Be the best you can be, help others and leave the world a better place.”

This heritage has been passed down to us by our ancestors and internalized by immigrants pursuing the “American dream.” Until 1945, this morality reflected American families, extended families, neighborhoods, schools, religions, and community organizations.

How does that say more about me?
Have I accused you of being anti -American because your views are different than mine?
Have I accused your parents of being Un-American because of how you view things politically?
Have I gone on a hate filled diatribe about how if you are different than me you a less of an American?
No, I don't believe I have.

You sicken me with with your divisive postings. You are the problem with this site!!!!!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
How does that say more about me?
Have I accused you of being anti -American because your views are different than mine?
Have I accused your parents of being Un-American because of how you view things politically?
You are the problem with this site!!!!!
Have I accused you of being a racist because your views are different than mine?
Have I accused your parents of being racist because of how you view things politically?

You say racist, I say Un-American.


Just a turd
Have I accused you of being a racist because your views are different than mine?
Have I accused your parents of being racist because of how you view things politically?

You say racist, I say Un-American.

When have I accused your parents of being racist? Stop posting falsehoods on here. I accused you of being racist . Big difference. Unlike you I don't blame the sins of the son on the parents. I don't accuse the parents of failing because the son is less than perfect. I believe in personal responsibility unlike you evidently

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
When have I accused your parents of being racist? Stop posting falsehoods on here. I accused you of being racist . Big difference. Unlike you I don't blame the sins of the son on the parents. I don't accuse the parents of failing because the son is less than perfect. I believe in personal responsibility unlike you evidently
Thanks for playing ... that was fun.
Got to get dressed and take my sweetie out for lunch.

I check back in later with some more barbs.

PS - I like it when we hook someone who thinks we are serious.



Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
democrats want nk to launch nukes just to say I told you so and knock trump. They want to raise your taxes and they love ms13. What is wrong with the democrats.