President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Donald Trump by his actions shows that he cares about the common man of this country. I'm not expecting a personal invitation to the White House.
Nothing I have seen in Trump indicates he cares about anyone outside his family and close friends.
But ... as you indicated, his actions for the blue collar workers can give the impression that he 'cares' about them.
I think it is more like he said he would take care of them ... they elected him and he is going to fulfill his pledge.

Trump is a narcissistic butthole but very effective at getting things done.
He reminds me of many high-driven UPS management people except he is much more effective at reaching his goals.

I have no desire to ever meet him or spend any time with him. He's not my type of person. I think I would have a nervous breakdown if I were forced to work for him.

I'm hopeful on the goals he established as well as the denuclearization of North Korea.


Well-Known Member
Nothing I have seen in Trump indicates he cares about anyone outside his family and close friends.
But ... as you indicated, his actions for the blue collar workers can give the impression that he 'cares' about them.
I think it is more like he said he would take care of them ... they elected him and he is going to fulfill his pledge.

Trump is a narcissistic butthole but very effective at getting things done.
He reminds me of many high-driven UPS management people except he is much more effective at reaching his goals.

I have no desire to ever meet him or spend any time with him. He's not my type of person. I think I would have a nervous breakdown if I were forced to work for him.

I'm hopeful on the goals he established as well as the denuclearization of North Korea.

I agree that Trump is a Narcissistic butthole, but what has he actually ‘got done’ ?

Asking for a friend

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I agree that Trump is a Narcissistic butthole, but what has he actually ‘got done’ ?

Asking for a friend
Tax cuts for the wealthy. Increased health insurance premiums. Stoked racial divide. Broken up the families of asylum seekers. Increased the cost of goods and services through trade tariffs. Weakened American international influence by leaving the TPP, Iran deal and Paris accord.

You know, MAGA.


Got the T-Shirt
Tax cuts for the wealthy. Increased health insurance premiums. Stoked racial divide. Broken up the families of asylum seekers. Increased the cost of goods and services through trade tariffs. Weakened American international influence by leaving the TPP, Iran deal and Paris accord.

You know, MAGA.


Yep.... found it.



Well-Known Member
Tax cuts for the wealthy. Increased health insurance premiums. Stoked racial divide. Broken up the families of asylum seekers. Increased the cost of goods and services through trade tariffs. Weakened American international influence by leaving the TPP, Iran deal and Paris accord.

You know, MAGA.

All wrong , do you ever post even one modicum of truth? Let me guess you heard it on a blog


Well-Known Member
Tax cuts for the wealthy. Increased health insurance premiums. Stoked racial divide. Broken up the families of asylum seekers. Increased the cost of goods and services through trade tariffs. Weakened American international influence by leaving the TPP, Iran deal and Paris accord.

You know, MAGA.

Tax cuts for the wealthy. - You're wealthy?
Increased health insurance premiums. - mine have gone down and this year I was offered more choices to even allow me more options to tailor my plan.
Stoked racial divide. - thank Obama and his efforts to divide issues by color for that one.

Broken up the families of asylum seekers. - as the pictures from 2014 have shown you have previous administrations to thank for those laws.
Increased the cost of goods and services through trade tariffs. - which goods? its all negotiations right now. we're you going to allow these countries to get away with this forever?
Weakened American international influence by leaving the TPP, Iran deal and Paris accord. - unfortunately less caviar for the president and his entourage but otherwise no affect.

put down your DNC talking points and think for yourself .