President Trump


Well-Known Member
It’s funny, Comey is churlish and insubordinate, but if anything, he hindered the Clinton campaign and boosted the Trump campaign.

Never, ever, ever, ever shake a baby.

(Saw that sign twenty years ago on the side of a bus...the local radicals changed ‘shake’ to ‘make’...still cracks me up...)


Well-Known Member
It’s funny, Comey is churlish and insubordinate, but if anything, he hindered the Clinton campaign and boosted the Trump campaign.

Never, ever, ever, ever shake a baby.

(Saw that sign twenty years ago on the side of a bus...the local radicals changed ‘shake’ to ‘make’...still cracks me up...)
And if he hadn't done anything when more emails were discovered on Anthony Weiner's laptop? He had no choice but to reopen the investigation. But based on how Dems ignored everything else about her just how much influence do you think it has on her loss?


Well-Known Member
And if he hadn't done anything when more emails were discovered on Anthony Weiner's laptop? He had no choice but to reopen the investigation. But based on how Dems ignored everything else about her just how much influence do you think it has on her loss?

Wait, you like him, or you don't like him?

He tanked Trump?

He was too nice to Hillary?

He did this, he did that?

He was good at first, then he was bad, then he was good, now he's a pariah?


Get a hold of your self.

You sound bipolar, not that there's anything wrong with that.


Well-Known Member
Wait, you like him, or you don't like him?

He tanked Trump?

He was too nice to Hillary?

He did this, he did that?

He was good at first, then he was bad, then he was good, now he's a pariah?


Get a hold of your self.

You sound bipolar, not that there's anything wrong with that.
Twisting things again? Y'all keep saying Comey cost Hillary the election but that's not giving voters who changed their vote any credit. By the time Comey reopened the investigation voters had already seen Hillary fumble through a news conference where she flippantly talked about wiping her server clean with a cloth. And because the questions were being raised she went through a long period with no news conferences. And then of course she was having "roundtables" with "average" citizens where thinly veiled predetermined questions were asked with scripted answers. Except one blew up on her in West Virginia when a coal miner managed to get a real question in about her statements concerning shutting down the coal industry. To lay her loss on Comey indicates to me a monumental ego that refuses to acknowledge her campaign mistakes. Hey Trump has a monumental ego too, but it's driven by success. Thankfully Hillary didn't become President because she would've continued policies that had the economy in the doldrums, and her ego wouldn't let her admit she was wrong.


Well-Known Member
Wait, you like him, or you don't like him?

He tanked Trump?

He was too nice to Hillary?

He did this, he did that?

He was good at first, then he was bad, then he was good, now he's a pariah?


Get a hold of your self.

You sound bipolar, not that there's anything wrong with that.
And P.S. Comey covered for Clinton, pure and simple. I hope he gets prosecuted for it but probably won't.


Well-Known Member
Twisting things again? Y'all keep saying Comey cost Hillary the election but that's not giving voters who changed their vote any credit. By the time Comey reopened the investigation voters had already seen Hillary fumble through a news conference where she flippantly talked about wiping her server clean with a cloth. And because the questions were being raised she went through a long period with no news conferences. And then of course she was having "roundtables" with "average" citizens where thinly veiled predetermined questions were asked with scripted answers. Except one blew up on her in West Virginia when a coal miner managed to get a real question in about her statements concerning shutting down the coal industry. To lay her loss on Comey indicates to me a monumental ego that refuses to acknowledge her campaign mistakes. Hey Trump has a monumental ego too, but it's driven by success. Thankfully Hillary didn't become President because she would've continued policies that had the economy in the doldrums, and her ego wouldn't let her admit she was wrong.

So much drek.

Read the entire quote from the 'coal' talk; guess FOX didn't put that in your trough.

(There's enough valid criticisms of HRC without resorting to nonsense)


Look guy, Clinton was a sub-par candidate, I've said it before.

Comey was a maroon, glad the IG report cleared that up.

Guess what the IG report also cleared up: the initial FBI conclusion that Hill-Dog was Dumb as friend but didn't have any criminal intent.

You and I will never know if Russian interference or Comeys' grandstanding changed the election results.

Just admit, neither you or I can say definitively one way or another that Comey or the targeted Russian disinformation campaign swayed the election.

Just so we're clear.


Well-Known Member
So much drek.

Read the entire quote from the 'coal' talk; guess FOX didn't put that in your trough.

(There's enough valid criticisms of HRC without resorting to nonsense)


Look guy, Clinton was a sub-par candidate, I've said it before.

Comey was a maroon, glad the IG report cleared that up.

Guess what the IG report also cleared up: the initial FBI conclusion that Hill-Dog was Dumb as friend but didn't have any criminal intent.

You and I will never know if Russian interference or Comeys' grandstanding changed the election results.

Just admit, neither you or I can say definitively one way or another that Comey or the targeted Russian disinformation campaign swayed the election.

Just so we're clear.
Yet y'all keep laying it at Comey's feet. And I clearly saw the coal winner's question to her. He embarrassed the hell out of her. Loved those little coffee clatch commercials where people threw softballs at her and everything was as natural as a mannequin swimming. But hey, y'all might enjoy having a carefully controlled dissemination of information in your government. I'm enjoying the brash, in your face style of Trump. And I really wasn't not that long ago but he gets things done and is really trying to improve things, no matter what you naysayers go on about.


Well-Known Member
Yet y'all keep laying it at Comey's feet. And I clearly saw the coal winner's question to her. He embarrassed the hell out of her. Loved those little coffee clatch commercials where people threw softballs at her and everything was as natural as a mannequin swimming. But hey, y'all might enjoy having a carefully controlled dissemination of information in your government. I'm enjoying the brash, in your face style of Trump. And I really wasn't not that long ago but he gets things done and is really trying to improve things, no matter what you naysayers go on about.

We'll disagree, I think he's tanking the country.

I appreciate your viewpoint, ...

Y'all keep saying 'he gets things done', but I'm hard pressed to find something important that he's done.

SC pick and Federal judges all around after the Republican stonewalling of Obama?

That's probably it, honestly the rest is smoke and mirrors.

Y'all quote his talking points back, but 30% of the time he's lying, and it's funny to see the Pavlov reaction - he dings the bell, you salivate, Fox reiterates, and you're good with it, without checking the underlying facts.

FFS, Trump lies every day, repeatedly.

Some of it you could brush off, like he's just an entertainer, etc, but most of it is just straight up LYING.

Honestly, you're going to get exactly what you voted for...g-d speed
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Well-Known Member
We'll disagree, I think he's tanking the country.

I appreciate your viewpoint, ...

Y'all keep saying 'he gets things done', but I'm hard pressed to find something important that he's done.

SC pick and Federal judges all around after the Republican stonewalling of Obama?

That's probably it, honestly the rest is smoke and mirrors.

Y'all quote his talking points back, but 30% of the time he's lying, and it's funny to see the Pavlov reaction - he dings the bell, you salivate, Fox reiterates, and you're good with it, without checking the underlying facts.

FFS, Trump lies every day, repeatedly.

Some of it you could brush off, like he's just an entertainer, etc, but most of it is just straight up LYING.

Honestly, you're going to get exactly what you voted for...g-d speed
Name the lies.


Well-Known Member
The wait is over.

Report defends Clinton
The inspector general's report Thursday solidified that Clinton had not intended to break the law with her handling of classified material on her private email, by exhaustively detailing the steps of the investigation.
Despite other issues with Comey, the IG signs off on his ultimate conclusion that Clinton should not be charged.
For a full year before the 2016 election, investigators realized they had little evidence in the case against Clinton. But they discussed for months how to end the investigation and communicate that with the public.
Oh yeah, Comey drafted a letter of exoneration 2 months before actually interviewing Clinton. The guy who headed the investigation into the Clinton emails, Peter Strzok, was the guy who's texts with his lover clearly showed an anti-Trump bias including saying he was going to prevent Trump from becoming president. He also was the lead on the Russian collusion case and on Mueller's team. After his texts came out he was removed from all of that and demoted. This was no run of the mill agent, he was the FBI's head of counter intelligence. And his lover Page resigned. He was involved in the obtaining of FISA warrants also. Your paragraph above is just more whitewashing. She broke the law and elements in the FBI who were virulently anti-Trump covered for her.


nowhere special
Oh yeah, Comey drafted a letter of exoneration 2 months before actually interviewing Clinton. The guy who headed the investigation into the Clinton emails, Peter Strzok, was the guy who's texts with his lover clearly showed an anti-Trump bias including saying he was going to prevent Trump from becoming president. He also was the lead on the Russian collusion case and on Mueller's team. After his texts came out he was removed from all of that and demoted. This was no run of the mill agent, he was the FBI's head of counter intelligence. And his lover Page resigned. He was involved in the obtaining of FISA warrants also. Your paragraph above is just more whitewashing. She broke the law and elements in the FBI who were virulently anti-Trump covered for her.

Strzok's text saying he was going to prevent Trump being President was also strangely missing from the texts the FBI turned over to Congress. Almost as if they were trying to hide something.


Got the T-Shirt


Well-Known Member
That list is from December. It’s way out of date, besides Van will never read it. It’s one thing for a “conservative” to defend Trump on policy. Van is trying to pretend Trump isn’t a liar which is objectively not true. He’s chosen to believe Trump, facts and critical thinking play no part in that belief.
And you're in full spin mode. Trump has said plenty that could be characterized at best as fudging the truth. However has he said a lie that pertains to people's lives and livelihood? You know, the Obama healthcare kind of lie? Every politician I'm familiar with tends to at least gloss things over. Two in particular IMO, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, were and are baldfaced liars. The Clinton's. I'm much harder on the Democrats because the mainstream media tends to give them a pass while scrutinizing everything said by Republicans. There's a double standard at work. You may not believe that, but watch the softballs pitched to Democrat politicians and then watch the brutal questions given Republicans, often with commentary thrown in. Which contributed to Hillary losing. People are fed up with the B.S..


Inordinately Right
And you're in full spin mode. Trump has said plenty that could be characterized at best as fudging the truth. However has he said a lie that pertains to people's lives and livelihood? You know, the Obama healthcare kind of lie? Every politician I'm familiar with tends to at least gloss things over. Two in particular IMO, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, were and are baldfaced liars. The Clinton's. I'm much harder on the Democrats because the mainstream media tends to give them a pass while scrutinizing everything said by Republicans. There's a double standard at work. You may not believe that, but watch the softballs pitched to Democrat politicians and then watch the brutal questions given Republicans, often with commentary thrown in. Which contributed to Hillary losing. People are fed up with the B.S..
You are deflecting and dodging.
You asked for his lies.
You were given them.

Admit Trump is a liar.
Don't be a sucker.