President Trump


Well-Known Member
Hey now, don't judge vantexican.

A third grade education was enough for him to get a job at FedEx, save nothing his entire life, then quit and abandon his family in search of an underage Philippino girl to marry. He's doing great!
Another keyboard warrior who thinks he's a badass. Twisting words because the only way liberals can defend their nonsense is lie about what conservatives say and do. Cry all you want, Trump is president, will be for 2.5 years more for sure, and unless y'all can come up with a better candidate than Crooked Hillary he'll probably be president for 6.5 more years. That's right, 6.5 more years. Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Another keyboard warrior who thinks he's a badass. Twisting words because the only way liberals can defend their nonsense is lie about what conservatives say and do. Cry all you want, Trump is president, will be for 2.5 years more for sure, and unless y'all can come up with a better candidate than Crooked Hillary he'll probably be president for 6.5 more years. That's right, 6.5 more years. Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!
Come back, it’s a land of opportunity. Maybe you can make it here this time.


Well-Known Member
Wait, you like him, or you don't like him?

He tanked Trump?

He was too nice to Hillary?

He did this, he did that?

He was good at first, then he was bad, then he was good, now he's a pariah?


Get a hold of your self.

You sound bipolar, not that there's anything wrong with that.

not sure why liking or hating comey matters.

there are some texts floating around that make it sound like upper leadership of the fBI plotted to influence our elections. I'll wait for the next chapter on that book.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
there are some texts floating around that make it sound like upper leadership of the fBI plotted to influence our elections.

Ooooooo! Grab a flashlight and tell us some scary stories about what those two mean FBI agents did when they weren’t sexting each other, uncle newfie!
