President Trump


Staff member
A review of the Trump Foundation's tax records by CNN finds that although the charity has received more than $4 million in contributions from other organizations and individuals and in turn donated millions to various charitable causes since 2009, Trump has not made any personal contributions to the foundation in that time.
The charity appears to have functioned in recent years as a conduit that disburses money donated by third-parties, such as World Wrestling Entertainment, which donated $1 million in 2009, and $500,000 in 2012 from NBC Universal, the company that contracted Trump's show "The Apprentice."

Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008


Well-Known Member
A review of the Trump Foundation's tax records by CNN finds that although the charity has received more than $4 million in contributions from other organizations and individuals and in turn donated millions to various charitable causes since 2009, Trump has not made any personal contributions to the foundation in that time.
The charity appears to have functioned in recent years as a conduit that disburses money donated by third-parties, such as World Wrestling Entertainment, which donated $1 million in 2009, and $500,000 in 2012 from NBC Universal, the company that contracted Trump's show "The Apprentice."

Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008

this story is getting dusted off and rerun from two years ago. do you dems have any fresh material to throw against the wall?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Under Obama, the law was rarely enacted but now Trump and the Keebler Elf decided to enforce the law as written.

Note: The law is still applied to American citizens for something as trivial as possession of a couple of joints.

Donald Trump blames Democrats for
immigration policy separating families

Whenever parents are charged with a federal misdemeanor (entry without inspection in this case), or awaiting trial, they are placed in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service. Children cannot go to jail, so they are transferred to the custody of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement. They are then placed with relatives, juvenile detention centers or foster care. That’s a longstanding Homeland Security policy, DHS told us.

Before the Trump administration, immigrants entering illegally as families were rarely prosecuted, said Sarah Pierce, an associate policy analyst of the U.S. Immigration Program at the Migration Policy Institute. Instead, immigrants were held in family detention centers until they were sent to appear before an immigration court or deported.

Politifact rates Trump's statement FALSE because they can't find a law that specifically states children must be separated from parents
Politifact - Trump Dim law separate children.jpg

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Dems made something called the Affordable Care Act too. Doesn’t seem the administration is too keen on enforcing it.
Because it was such a :poop:ty piece of legislation because the DIMs used technical legislative maneuvering with over 250 amendments to obfuscate what was in the bill.
It can be argued this slimy misfeasance led to one of the worst beat-downs of the Democrats in history in the 2010 election.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Another lie from an administration that seems to have a sadistic streak where Latino immigrants are concerned.
That is the perception but I think it is more of a concern and determination of the illegal immigrants taking jobs away from Americans because the immigrants are willing to take the jobs at lower wages.


Staff member
That is the perception but I think it is more of a concern and determination of the illegal immigrants taking jobs away from Americans because the immigrants are willing to take the jobs at lower wages.
Except that is not even true. Far more jobs have been lost to technology and increased productivity than to illegal immigration.

And when a president engages in blatant racism (the Mexican judge, MS13, rapists and drug dealers, etc.) the whole “taking American jobs” is a propaganda cover story with Sessions adding a touch of scripture for good measure.