President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Except that is not even true. Far more jobs have been lost to technology and increased productivity than to illegal immigration.

And when a president engages in blatant racism (the Mexican judge, MS13, rapists and drug dealers, etc.) the whole “taking American jobs” is a propaganda cover story with Sessions adding a touch of scripture for good measure.
For some reason, I don't believe you.

Anyway, the left-behinds of the Great Society think Illegal Aliens are causing them to be un- or under- employed and Trump knows they were the ones that got him elected.

Educate the left behinds and maybe Trump will change his tune.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I'll believe that when I see Muricans working in the fields.
At some point you will if Trump stays in office.
He is imposing Tariffs
He is securing the border
He is talking about subsidies for farmers (to pay workers more)
Add on less funding for unemployment and welfare benefits
and ...
... It's just a matter of time

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
In my part of the country, the biggest risk to well-paid jobs seems to be legal H-1B foreign tech worker visas. Not so many folks clamoring to hit the fields.
People that can do High-Tech jobs shouldn't be working in the field.
Unmotivated people with high school diplomas will be the ones working in the fields.


Well-Known Member
At some point you will if Trump stays in office.
He is imposing Tariffs
He is securing the border
He is talking about subsidies for farmers (to pay workers more)
Add on less funding for unemployment and welfare benefits
and ...
... It's just a matter of time
As far as fieldwork goes, it's never going to happen. Muricans are slower, less productive and frankly wouldn't do it even if paid a higher wage. Wages wouldn't be the only costs involved in subsies needed to get Muricans to work the fields. You're talking more workers, training, better facilities and equipment.


Inordinately Right
People that can do High-Tech jobs shouldn't be working in the field.
Unmotivated people with high school diplomas will be the ones working in the fields.
So according to you cuckservatives, immigration should be merit based.

Because we want immigrants taking our good paying jobs, so that Americans can keep working for poverty wages.....


Well-Known Member
A review of the Trump Foundation's tax records by CNN finds that although the charity has received more than $4 million in contributions from other organizations and individuals and in turn donated millions to various charitable causes since 2009, Trump has not made any personal contributions to the foundation in that time.
The charity appears to have functioned in recent years as a conduit that disburses money donated by third-parties, such as World Wrestling Entertainment, which donated $1 million in 2009, and $500,000 in 2012 from NBC Universal, the company that contracted Trump's show "The Apprentice."

Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008
But as I pointed out above he initially donated in the early years and neither he or his family get paid anything as officers of the charity. Since the article brought it up why not shed some light on who contributed to the Clinton Foundation, and how many of them got private meetings with her as Secretary of State? Or set up highly compensated speeches for her and Bill? How was foundation money used by her for travel expenses and other personal expenses? Why was Huma Abedin both Clinton's top aide as well as employed by the foundation? What exactly was in those 33,000 deleted emails? Did they contain proof of pay for play transactions?


Well-Known Member
Another lie from an administration that seems to have a sadistic streak where Latino immigrants are concerned.
Really? You are aware that American citizens who break the law and are incarcerated are separated from their children all the time by the authorities? Why is it that you care so much about illegal immigrants, who shouldn't have brought their children here, but are totally silent about what happens to American families when laws are broken? And no racial group is impacted more by illegal immigration than Blacks are. You want citizenship and the votes that come with it, beyond that your tears are crocodilian.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
But as I pointed out above he initially donated in the early years and neither he or his family get paid anything as officers of the charity. Since the article brought it up why not shed some light on who contributed to the Clinton Foundation, and how many of them got private meetings with her as Secretary of State? Or set up highly compensated speeches for her and Bill? How was foundation money used by her for travel expenses and other personal expenses? Why was Huma Abedin both Clinton's top aide as well as employed by the foundation? What exactly was in those 33,000 deleted emails? Did they contain proof of pay for play transactions?
This is what I heard ...


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Sure, because we must focus on Trump molehills, and not on Clinton mountains.
I don't think Hillary had that much up top even when ChElsie was born.

As for Trump, we all have been told and noticed his small hands.

Hmmmm ... hard to decide.



It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Really? You are aware that American citizens who break the law and are incarcerated are separated from their children all the time by the authorities? Why is it that you care so much about illegal immigrants, who shouldn't have brought their children here, but are totally silent about what happens to American families when laws are broken? And no racial group is impacted more by illegal immigration than Blacks are. You want citizenship and the votes that come with it, beyond that your tears are crocodilian.
Asylum seekers are not breaking the law. They aren’t illegally crossing. They are showing up on our border, fleeing violence, asking for help. Trump is responding by taking their children. Trump is a bad person.