President Trump


Well-Known Member
Asylum seekers are not breaking the law. They aren’t illegally crossing. They are showing up on our border, fleeing violence, asking for help. Trump is responding by taking their children. Trump is a bad person.
Hate to tell you this but there are American and European expats all over Central America. Other than some civil unrest in Nicaragua currently there aren't any wars going on there. No genocide. They aren't fleeing violence, they're seeking better lives. Are there high murder rates there? Yes. Mostly between gangs. People get up every day and go to work in factories, schools, hospitals, airports, you name it. If violence is so extreme why haven't international airlines not suspended service? Where are all the expats fleeing back to their home countries? They aren't. We simply aren't in a position to take in all of the world's poor. They have to build a better life where they're at. They're doing it in Guatemala City. Costa Rica is almost First World. Panama is doing well. Of course you won't get their vote if they stay there.
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It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Hate to tell you this but there are American and European expats all over Central America. Other than some civil unrest in Nicaragua currently there aren't any wars going on there. No genocide. They aren't fleeing violence, they're seeking better lives. Are there high murder rates there. Yes. Mostly between gangs. People get up every day and go to work in factories, schools, hospitals, airports, you name it. If violence is so extreme why haven't international airlines not suspended service? Where are all the expats fleeing back to their home countries? They aren't. We simply aren't in a position to take in all of the world's poor. They have to build a better life where they're at. They're doing it in Guatemala City. Costa Rica is almost First World. Panama is doing well. Of course you won't get their vote if they stay there.
You don’t know what these people are fleeing because you talked to some dude in a coffee shop. The point is they aren’t breaking the law seeking asylum. If the courts decide not to grant asylum, so be it. That doesn’t excuse taking children from their parents while they decide.


Well-Known Member
You don’t know what these people are fleeing because you talked to some dude in a coffee shop. The point is they aren’t breaking the law seeking asylum. If the courts decide not to grant asylum, so be it. That doesn’t excuse taking children from their parents while they decide.
Begging your pardon but while you may know your job well I've spent many years talking to people who live in these places including locals. And keep up with local news. Furthermore while they may show up at the border asking asylum, if they cross the border without permission they've committed a crime. And they're trying to use the asylum laws to their advantage but if they aren't fleeing a war zone or having their ethnic group targeted for genocide then the asylum laws don't apply. Even Russians today can't seek asylum in the West. Of course there are exceptions to every rule, as in someone putting their life in danger assisting the U.S. in some capacity.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Begging your pardon but while you may know your job well I've spent many years talking to people who live in these places including locals. And keep up with local news. Furthermore while they may show up at the border asking asylum, if they cross the border without permission they've committed a crime. And they're trying to use the asylum laws to their advantage but if they aren't fleeing a war zone or having their ethnic group targeted for genocide then the asylum laws don't apply. Even Russians today can't seek asylum in the West. Of course there are exceptions to every rule, as in someone putting their life in danger assisting the U.S. in some capacity.
Whatever you say, fine Christian fellow. Just take the children because you don’t believe they are real asylum seekers. You do realize we could keep the families together while judging their applications, right?


Well-Known Member
Whatever you say, fine Christian fellow. Just take the children because you don’t believe they are real asylum seekers. You do realize we could keep the families together while judging their applications, right?
You realize we can tell them the asylum laws don't apply to them and send the whole family back? As Christians we'd do them a bigger favor telling them before making the trip, risking life and savings, that activists telling them they can get in using asylum laws are not only incorrect but seek to use them down the road to tip the political balance in the U.S.. Mexico has developed quite a bit in the last 20 years. Why aren't they seeking asylum there? They speak the language and their culture isn't too different. It's because of the very generous support system we have in the States. Same exact reason Syrian refugees and others bypassed Turkey, Greece, and Eastern Europe for Western Europe.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You realize we can tell them the asylum laws don't apply to them and send the whole family back? As Christians we'd do them a bigger favor telling them before making the trip, risking life and savings, that activists telling them they can get in using asylum laws are not only incorrect but seek to use them down the road to tip the political balance in the U.S.. Mexico has developed quite a bit in the last 20 years. Why aren't they seeking asylum there? They speak the language and their culture isn't too different. It's because of the very generous support system we have in the States. Same exact reason Syrian refugees and others bypassed Turkey, Greece, and Eastern Europe for Western Europe.
Yes, we can do that. We don’t have to strip their children from them while making that determination. Where are you getting lost?


Well-Known Member
Yes, we can do that. We don’t have to strip their children from them while making that determination. Where are you getting lost?
I'm not getting lost. They aren't eligible for asylum and the Trump administration is putting everyone on notice that THEY are responsible for their children being taken away from them. Stay home. And by the way the Republicans are just as interested in amnesty as the Democrats. They want to suppress wages. Is it Christian to have millions of citizens struggle because our politicians let in millions to satisfy their big money doners, no matter the party?


Well-Known Member
Bottom line, this administration is making a choice to separate families.

No one, not the dems, and certainly not any laws are forcing them to act this way.

They admit this is a tactic to scare others from coming, all the while complaining they have no choice in the matter, which is utter BS.

Call it what it is- we’re setting up internment camps.


Well-Known Member
Bottom line, this administration is making a choice to separate families.

No one, not the dems, and certainly not any laws are forcing them to act this way.

They admit this is a tactic to scare others from coming, all the while complaining they have no choice in the matter, which is utter BS.

Call it what it is- we’re setting up internment camps.
The choice in the matter previous administrations made ended up with at least 11 million people here illegally, with tens of thousands more coming every month. Even the biggest ships can be swamped.


Well-Known Member
The choice in the matter previous administrations made ended up with at least 11 million people here illegally, with tens of thousands more coming every month. Even the biggest ships can be swamped.
Two wrongs don't make a right Van. What Sessions is doing is pure evil and should be considered torture.


Well-Known Member
I expect this administration to act like human beings who claim to be Christians. With a wall or not.
Do you believe in it? I doubt very many in Washington are sincere Christians. Certainly others here who demand so called Christians to act like it don't believe in Christianity. I see a lot of disingenuous comments going around. Many of the folks trying to get here are very decent people. Judging by the crimes being committed quite a few aren't. Build the wall and let people stand in line at embassies just like the legal immigrants do. Respect the rule of law.


Well-Known Member
Do you believe in it? I doubt very many in Washington are sincere Christians. Certainly others here who demand so called Christians to act like it don't believe in Christianity. I see a lot of disingenuous comments going around. Many of the folks trying to get here are very decent people. Judging by the crimes being committed quite a few aren't. Build the wall and let people stand in line at embassies just like the legal immigrants do. Respect the rule of law.
When Sessions quotes the Bible as justification for separating children from their parents I don't care what religion you practice, it's just evil. WWJD

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Do you believe in it? I doubt very many in Washington are sincere Christians. Certainly others here who demand so called Christians to act like it don't believe in Christianity. I see a lot of disingenuous comments going around. Many of the folks trying to get here are very decent people. Judging by the crimes being committed quite a few aren't. Build the wall and let people stand in line at embassies just like the legal immigrants do. Respect the rule of law.
Don’t take my word for it. From an NPR story.

Tony Suarez, a Latino pastor who has informally advised Trump, tweeted, "God have mercy on those who seem so nonchalant to the plight of children being separated from their parents."

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and archbishop of Galveston-Houston in Texas, said in a statement, "Separating babies from their mothers is not the answer and is immoral."

Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, called it "unconscionable," saying, "Those at the highest levels of the Trump administration are responsible and must provide the public a clear explanation of how this happened and how these families will be reunited."

The fact is the Trump administration could easily enforce the law in a humane manner. They are choosing not to and you are defending that choice. It’s despicable.


Staff member
You realize we can tell them the asylum laws don't apply to them and send the whole family back? As Christians we'd do them a bigger favor telling them before making the trip, risking life and savings, that activists telling them they can get in using asylum laws are not only incorrect but seek to use them down the road to tip the political balance in the U.S.. Mexico has developed quite a bit in the last 20 years. Why aren't they seeking asylum there? They speak the language and their culture isn't too different. It's because of the very generous support system we have in the States. Same exact reason Syrian refugees and others bypassed Turkey, Greece, and Eastern Europe for Western Europe.
Whatever the law, policy, or enforcement, justifying the action biblically is atrocious.