President Trump


Well-Known Member
The trump foundation got beat to death during the campaign run. Theres nothing new here.

Keep in mind an AG for New York who certainly has the power to bring charges instead brought a civil case. That tells you there is nothing here that would hold any water outside of New York. So instead she brings a civil case in New York . Civil case that requires much less of a convincing argument in a court system that Is heavily biased. .
I haven't been able to find that law after spending an hour searching the internet for that law.

It seems more of Session's interpretation of long-standing laws.
It's a valid argument . The picture if the kids in cages was taken under Obama in 2014. Dems need the constant reminder of their do as I say not do argument.


Well-Known Member
Under Obama, the law was rarely enacted but now Trump and the Keebler Elf decided to enforce the law as written.

Note: The law is still applied to American citizens for something as trivial as possession of a couple of joints.

Donald Trump blames Democrats for
immigration policy separating families

Whenever parents are charged with a federal misdemeanor (entry without inspection in this case), or awaiting trial, they are placed in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service. Children cannot go to jail, so they are transferred to the custody of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement. They are then placed with relatives, juvenile detention centers or foster care. That’s a longstanding Homeland Security policy, DHS told us.

Before the Trump administration, immigrants entering illegally as families were rarely prosecuted, said Sarah Pierce, an associate policy analyst of the U.S. Immigration Program at the Migration Policy Institute. Instead, immigrants were held in family detention centers until they were sent to appear before an immigration court or deported.

Politifact rates Trump's statement FALSE because they can't find a law that specifically states children must be separated from parents
View attachment 197867
Politifact? Left wing fact checker?


Well-Known Member
You don’t know what these people are fleeing because you talked to some dude in a coffee shop. The point is they aren’t breaking the law seeking asylum. If the courts decide not to grant asylum, so be it. That doesn’t excuse taking children from their parents while they decide.
How do they know they are their children?


Well-Known Member
Whatever the law, policy, or enforcement, justifying the action biblically is atrocious.
Bible verse says obey the laws. Nothing atrocious about it. You snowflakes lose your mind when someone quotes the Bible. It may be the best troll bait for snowflakes ever