President Trump

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The hold up is Democrats have demagogued the issue rather than come to the negotiating table on immigration. Trump is just not going to let them get away with it.
So, in your mind Trump is torturing children to get the minority party to negotiate on immigration policy? And you think that’s a good thing? The party of family values has sure come a long way, first you defend a child molester for US senate, now you support imprisoning children as young as 8 months old all for political “wins.” Ok


Well-Known Member
So, in your mind Trump is torturing children to get the minority party to negotiate on immigration policy? And you think that’s a good thing? The party of family values has sure come a long way, first you defend a child molester for US senate, now you support imprisoning children as young as 8 months old all for political “wins.” Ok
You and I both know if families are allowed to stay intact the next thing will be to howl how inhumane, how unchristian it is to send them back to a certain, horrible death in countries that have no law except kill or be killed. Or something similar. Whip up people's worst fears about how life in Latin America is. Ironic that you want to protect MS-13 gang members here but drum into people's minds that the land they come from isn't safe for even them. Tell that to all the American companies operating in San Salvador. Tell you what, let them all in. Just make it illegal to transfer money to any of those countries. Let's see how fast they help pay for the wall in exchange for keeping the money flowing.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You and I both know if families are allowed to stay intact the next thing will be to howl how inhumane, how unchristian it is to send them back to a certain, horrible death in countries that have no law except kill or be killed. Or something similar. Whip up people's worst fears about how life in Latin America is. Ironic that you want to protect MS-13 gang members here but drum into people's minds that the land they come from isn't safe for even them. Tell that to all the American companies operating in San Salvador. Tell you what, let them all in. Just make it illegal to transfer money to any of those countries. Let's see how fast they help pay for the wall in exchange for keeping the money flowing.
Ramble much? Congratulations, you didn’t mention Hillary! You didn’t address anything I said though. I’m really not sure why you are defending torturing children.


Well-Known Member
So, in your mind Trump is torturing children to get the minority party to negotiate on immigration policy? And you think that’s a good thing? The party of family values has sure come a long way, first you defend a child molester for US senate, now you support imprisoning children as young as 8 months old all for political “wins.” Ok

there is no torture taking place. snowflake histrionics will not help this issue. honest dialogue between the two parties will.


Well-Known Member
Taking breastfeeding children from their parents for months is torture. It causes real lasting psychological harm. Some of us don’t believe it’s morally right to hurt children for their parent’s transgressions. I guess you do.
Except they aren't taking breastfeeding children away. It's all lies. The official policy is to remove children who are in danger, have no clear relationship with the adult they're with, or their parents are about to undergo criminal proceedings. If asylum seekers enter and ask for asylum at any official port of entry they aren't separated from their families unless the above applies. If they cross illegally outside of a port of entry then they must undergo criminal proceedings and are separated. But no nursing baby has been taken from it's mother, period. That's a lie according to the head of Homeland Security. She's making that public, so has the verified info, which you obviously don't. Or you are choosing to spread lies.


Well-Known Member
Except they aren't taking breastfeeding children away. It's all lies. The official policy is to remove children who are in danger, have no clear relationship with the adult they're with, or their parents are about to undergo criminal proceedings. If asylum seekers enter and ask for asylum at any official port of entry they aren't separated from their families unless the above applies. If they cross illegally outside of a port of entry then they must undergo criminal proceedings and are separated. But no nursing baby has been taken from it's mother, period. That's a lie according to the head of Homeland Security. She's making that public, so has the verified info, which you obviously don't. Or you are choosing to spread lies.
Are you even in the United States?

Under the DOJ’s “zero-tolerance” policy, which was officially announced on May 7, more than 1,000 immigrant children have been separated from their parents while crossing into the U.S. — a practice that has become increasingly common in the past month. Per the New York Times, children as young as 18 months have been taken from their parents at the U.S.–Mexico border, and at least 100 of the separated children have been under the age of 4.


Well-Known Member
Are you even in the United States?

Under the DOJ’s “zero-tolerance” policy, which was officially announced on May 7, more than 1,000 immigrant children have been separated from their parents while crossing into the U.S. — a practice that has become increasingly common in the past month. Per the New York Times, children as young as 18 months have been taken from their parents at the U.S.–Mexico border, and at least 100 of the separated children have been under the age of 4.
As young as 18 months? Doesn't sound like a nursing baby. Again, if they cross illegally they are put into criminal processing. If they go to an official port of entry and ask for asylum the family isn't separated, except if it's determined that there's no relationship between the adults and children, or the child is in imminent danger. I suspect that might be if a quick background check is done and the adults come up in the system as previous illegal immigrants who committed a crime and fled the country. Just guessing. But to date there hasn't been a nursing child torn from it's mother's arms. Demagoguery.


Well-Known Member
As young as 18 months? Doesn't sound like a nursing baby. Again, if they cross illegally they are put into criminal processing. If they go to an official port of entry and ask for asylum the family isn't separated, except if it's determined that there's no relationship between the adults and children, or the child is in imminent danger. I suspect that might be if a quick background check is done and the adults come up in the system as previous illegal immigrants who committed a crime and fled the country. Just guessing. But to date there hasn't been a nursing child torn from it's mother's arms. Demagoguery.
Are you in the United States, or some former Soviet country?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
As young as 18 months? Doesn't sound like a nursing baby. Again, if they cross illegally they are put into criminal processing. If they go to an official port of entry and ask for asylum the family isn't separated, except if it's determined that there's no relationship between the adults and children, or the child is in imminent danger. I suspect that might be if a quick background check is done and the adults come up in the system as previous illegal immigrants who committed a crime and fled the country. Just guessing. But to date there hasn't been a nursing child torn from it's mother's arms. Demagoguery.
So you’re cool as long as the kid has transitioned to formula and some solid food? The harm to an 18 month old is just as severe. Why do you defend a practice that tortures and abuses children? What kind of monster believes this treatment is humane?


Well-Known Member
Do you remember anything from when you were 18 months old? Highly doubtful. Kids are resilient. Millions of kids go through much worse when their parents divorce. The wall we need is being blocked. This is the result.


Well-Known Member
You know what? These kids come out of impoverished conditions. Their parents just subjected them to a journey of hundreds, if not thousands of miles, in harsh conditions and imminent danger. They are put into a facility while their parents are processed that has good food, comfortable beds, and lots of other children to play with. Probably tv too. Torture indeed.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Do you remember anything from when you were 18 months old? Highly doubtful. Kids are resilient. Millions of kids go through much worse when their parents divorce. The wall we need is being blocked. This is the result.
Seriously, read a book, literally any book. This post is so unbelievably ill informed it actually disgusts me. Taking an 18 month old from their parents for months will cause lasting trauma. It’s not debatable, it’s fact. You are supporting child abuse.

By the way, Trump just told another outright lie. He claimed crime in Germany is way up due to their immigration policies. Crime is actually at its lowest level since 1992.