President Trump


Well-Known Member
Because, maybe it's not so good. That's why Mexicans come here, too.
American companies and others are all over Mexico. They come up here because of the safety net and higher wages. A lot of Mexicans come here, pool their resources to live cheap while they send money home. Ultimately many go back when they've saved enough to build a home and/or start a business. Central and South Americans usually stay here because of the difficulty of going to and from.


Well-Known Member
Because it’s idiotic. The border patrol just released their own video of the detention centers, take a peak. You’re either trolling or a terrible person that has no understanding of child psychology. I’m guessing both, stay in Europe.
Not in Europe. Where's the video? More fake news?

Edit: Saw both the video of the McAllen detention center and one of a CBS reporter who did a walk through with officials. According to him children 4 and younger are never separated from their parents at any time unless the parent has an extensive criminal history. And then it's only while the parent is being processed. Children older than 4 can be separated from parents while they are being processed, but it's a matter of at most 4 or 5 hours. Everyone in the facility gets two meals a day but can request extra food like sandwiches. He said kids eating snacks, mothers holding babies, and people looked fine and ok. And they told him they were. He said the place was very sterile and clean. Hardly a Nazi concentration camp.
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Well-Known Member
It’s on Twitter, I’m not sure how to direct link to the video. It really looks like a delightful place to spend a week.

See my edit, saw it. Where's the horror? People came across illegally, got caught, and are held while they go see a judge. That's important because after they're deported if they come back they're in the system and would then face stiffer penalties if caught. There are now consequences instead of a wink and a nod. The illegal who shot and killed Kate Steinle in San Francisco had reentered multiple times. That has been the case many times with illegal aliens who robbed, murdered, and killed others drunk driving. If they had been held in prison for reentering instead of the constant catch and release a lot of that could have been prevented.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
People came across illegally, got caught, and are held while they go see a judge.

I'm of mixed mind on this. Folks have said that immigration court cases can essentially be death penalty cases in a traffic court setting. Those who are sent back are sometimes killed by those they fled in the first place. However, what else are we supposed to do?

Before the 1950s, the US had a points-based system of immigration as countries like Canada, Australia, the UK and New Zealand all have now. We should run our system the same way. No green card lottery, and no chain migration.

I could really be convinced either way on this one.


Inordinately Right
Maybe you and DIDO can have some of these kids move into your homes for foster care?

Oh wait...
Why don't you, DIDO and IWBF head on down to south of the Rio Grande River and be community organizers for the benefit of all?

Our government probably will give you a big grant to do so.
I hate to see you three continue to waste your time on BrownCafe when you could be changing the world.
You have a little crush on me huh?


Inordinately Right
I live in a border state. I appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries, but this zero-tolerance policy is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart.

Our government should not be in the business of warehousing children in converted box stores or making plans to place them in tent cities in the desert outside of El Paso. These images are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese American internment camps of World War II, now considered to have been one of the most shameful episodes in U.S. history.

Opinion | Laura Bush: Separating children from their parents at the border ‘breaks my heart’

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
So, in your mind Trump is torturing children to get the minority party to negotiate on immigration policy? And you think that’s a good thing? The party of family values has sure come a long way, first you defend a child molester for US senate, now you support imprisoning children as young as 8 months old all for political “wins.” Ok
Good one!
That’s hilarious.


Well-Known Member
It’s on Twitter, I’m not sure how to direct link to the video. It really looks like a delightful place to spend a week.
