President Trump


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Well-Known Member
Seriously, read a book, literally any book. This post is so unbelievably ill informed it actually disgusts me. Taking an 18 month old from their parents for months will cause lasting trauma. It’s not debatable, it’s fact. You are supporting child abuse.
You support abortion, right? Many on the far Left fully support the right to terminate right up to the point of birth. Please tell how that's not worse than holding a child for a few hours while their parent sees a judge?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You support abortion, right? Many on the far Left fully support the right to terminate right up to the point of birth. Please tell how that's not worse than holding a child for a few hours while their parent sees a judge?
I don’t think the State should make the choice for women. I don’t believe religion should dictate government policy. What does that have to do with the state abusing children to punish their parents?