President Trump


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Well-Known Member
Said he would pick a Justice that would vote against roe v Wade, now he's backing down.... Typical.
Please supply the quote. I'll say you aren't being truthful until you supply it, educate me.
Not that Roe v Wade makes a difference on anything. It's a red herring, nothing more nothing less.


Well-Known Member
more wasted energy . Trump signed an exec order uniting the families, a judge issued an order to unite the families

the protest is to unite families.

what am I missing
A mind that doesn't work, and a deep hate of the country. Continue on your course, full speed ahead.:thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately the immigration bill got killed in the House. Nothing worse than politicians worried more about reelection than doing what's right.
I'm thinking they are more concerned with donations, not votes. Unless an elected is involved in a primary, they feel secure. My opinion, formed on poll numbers I have seen reported.
Republicans for the most part are asshats. I'm proud to not be affiliated with them.


Well-Known Member
That is not a sign of winning. Get an understanding of tariffs and their effects. Trump is not saddling a winning horse in this effort. I don't claim to be smarter than him, I do claim to read and know the history of tariffs and the effects on economies and nations. Educate yourself.

tariffs imposed by Trump reopening still mills and creating jobs here? thats winning