President Trump

El Correcto

god is dead
Hard to police gun laws in Illinois, when every surrounding state has lax or non-existent gun laws.

I live in MA...we have some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

(We also have one of the lowest death-by-gun metrics, absolute shocker).

But we can’t stop guns coming in from ‘Live Free or Die’ NH.

I imagine it’s similar in Chi-town.

On a side note, Chicago gets all the press, but they’re barely in the top-ten vis-a-vis murders.

Please stop mindlessly repeating inaccurate information.
Wow such a libertarian stance, Gary Johnson would be proud.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Not at all!

Trump loves Generals and War, but he doesn’t give a :censored2: about the soldiers.

Check out the Maralago three who are dictating VA policy, even though they’ve never served in the military and aren’t appointed in any way, shape, or fashion.

You’ve always agreed with me when I’ve said ‘forget the words, follow the actions’.

Trump talks a lot, but he’s screwing over active and ex-military with his actions.

The sad part is, he’s a Macy’s Parade balloon, all puffed up and huge, but:

It’s not clear to me that he understands what he’s saying, or the disconnect between his rhetoric and reality.

If people cheer, he’s happy.

Meanwhile, very little is being substantively enacted to help the military, either currently serving or veterans.

Good Evening!


Well-Known Member
From what I heard it gives our vets choices on where to go. Also makes it easier to fire nurses for incompetence in treating them.


So you heard some random crap.

Did you follow up on it?

Fact is, active military and veterans have been getting the shaft for decades.

Trump ran on helping the vets, but he really hasn’t.

Do some first-order research about your opinions, and get back to me.

I am WAAAAAY too busy to lead your horse to water...


Well-Known Member

El Correcto

god is dead

So you heard some random crap.

Did you follow up on it?

Fact is, active military and veterans have been getting the shaft for decades.

Trump ran on helping the vets, but he really hasn’t.

Do some first-order research about your opinions, and get back to me.

I am WAAAAAY too busy to lead your horse to water...
Your wife boyfriend heading over and kicking you out of WiFi range?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
An American political consultant who is cooperating with federal prosecutors admitted in court Friday that he steered $50,000 from a Ukrainian politician to Donald Trump’s inaugural committee — the first public confirmation that illegal foreign money was used to help fund the January 2017 event.

American political consultant admits foreign money was funneled to Trump inaugural
Washington Post ... you cannot read unless you are a subscriber.
You would have to pay me to read that junk.

You can sign in via AMAZON ... imagine that.
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