President Trump


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An American political consultant who is cooperating with federal prosecutors admitted in court Friday that he steered $50,000 from a Ukrainian politician to Donald Trump’s inaugural committee — the first public confirmation that illegal foreign money was used to help fund the January 2017 event.

American political consultant admits foreign money was funneled to Trump inaugural

50000 funneled through a straw man to buy tickets to the innaugeration. Post election ticket buying.


Well-Known Member
50000 funneled through a straw man to buy tickets to the innaugeration. Post election ticket buying.
Perfectly fine for a foreign entity to funnel money to tRUmp’s coffers. We welcome foreign money into our presidential campaigns.

What happened to all the inauguration money?


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Staff member
The lawyers for former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos say in a new court filing that their client lied to the FBI about his contacts with Russians because he was seeking to get a job in the administration at the time and wanted to preserve his loyalty to “his master” — an apparent reference to President Trump.
“For that, Mr. Papadopoulos is ashamed and remorseful,” his lawyers wrote.

Trump aide's lawyers: He lied to FBI to protect 'his master'


Well-Known Member
The lawyers for former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos say in a new court filing that their client lied to the FBI about his contacts with Russians because he was seeking to get a job in the administration at the time and wanted to preserve his loyalty to “his master” — an apparent reference to President Trump.
“For that, Mr. Papadopoulos is ashamed and remorseful,” his lawyers wrote.

Trump aide's lawyers: He lied to FBI to protect 'his master'
But Papadopoulos’s lawyers insist that their client’s motives for lying were “far from the sinister spin” that Mueller’s prosecutors have suggested: Papadopoulos lied because he was trying to get a job with the Trump administration at the time and feared that if he told FBI agents the truth, it would hurt his chances.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
But Papadopoulos’s lawyers insist that their client’s motives for lying were “far from the sinister spin” that Mueller’s prosecutors have suggested: Papadopoulos lied because he was trying to get a job with the Trump administration at the time and feared that if he told FBI agents the truth, it would hurt his chances.
??? Flush that out a little, if he told the FBI the truth about Trump he might not get a job. I’m not sure why you think that’s a good look for Trump.