President Trump


Well-Known Member
The first part pertaining to Benghazi no I do not think it was political nonsense. The judicial hearings were nonsense, an inept attempt to gain facts.
You know damn well if the exact scenario happened today with Trump you would not be satisfied.

And don't forget, McCain hated Trump and sent someone to get the dossier, and don't forget republicans in office and other high positions are never Trumper's to this day. Op/Ed Nyt a visible example. I told you 10 months ago there was no there there. I was correct then, and am correct now. I think the truth is slowly starting to emerge, slowly only because of FBI, and DOJ foot dragging.
I told you a long time ago to jump off the ship or there will be egg that needs to be wiped off your face. Back in November last year I posted of Andrew McCabe's early retirement, I wondered why. Imagine that, the clown was in the news after the AIG report, and he is now the target of a federal grand jury. Oh shucks.
No there there on Trumps side, FBI, DOJ not so good for anyone associated with the conspiracy. I used the exact term long ago, it was and is.
Ok, your turn rip apart what I just said.
Oh how they laughed and scoffed and smirked at the "conspiracy." What has been demonstrated on this forum is the same reasoning that lost them an election. The belief that they know better, are intellectually superior, are entitled to the presidency. Why, we're all just a bunch of bigoted rubes. And come to find out that the conspiracy to steal an election with Russian collusion was actually a conspiracy to protect Hillary and frame Trump, and they were the ones being manipulated all along, by both Democrats and Republicans no less. Must be a bitter pill to swallow, realizing they're not as brilliant as they thought, and were manipulated into believing a lie by their own folks. I'm pretty sure it's happened to all of us at some point, only seeing what our party and their media mouthpieces want us to see. But we're easily manipulated bigoted rubes. Supposed to happen to us. Not to the intellectuals who sneer at us. Possibly the most satisfying political debacle in history. When I'm close to death will still be smiling over this.


Well-Known Member
Oh how they laughed and scoffed and smirked at the "conspiracy." What has been demonstrated on this forum is the same reasoning that lost them an election. The belief that they know better, are intellectually superior, are entitled to the presidency. Why, we're all just a bunch of bigoted rubes. And come to find out that the conspiracy to steal an election with Russian collusion was actually a conspiracy to protect Hillary and frame Trump, and they were the ones being manipulated all along, by both Democrats and Republicans no less. Must be a bitter pill to swallow, realizing they're not as brilliant as they thought, and were manipulated into believing a lie by their own folks. I'm pretty sure it's happened to all of us at some point, only seeing what our party and their media mouthpieces want us to see. But we're easily manipulated bigoted rubes. Supposed to happen to us. Not to the intellectuals who sneer at us. Possibly the most satisfying political debacle in history. When I'm close to death will still be smiling over this.
It is important, but not that important, at death smile because you just pinched that sweet nurses's arm. Yeah right, you're dying, maybe not the arm.


Staff member
The first part pertaining to Benghazi no I do not think it was political nonsense. The judicial hearings were nonsense, an inept attempt to gain facts.
You know damn well if the exact scenario happened today with Trump you would not be satisfied.

And don't forget, McCain hated Trump and sent someone to get the dossier, and don't forget republicans in office and other high positions are never Trumper's to this day. Op/Ed Nyt a visible example. I told you 10 months ago there was no there there. I was correct then, and am correct now. I think the truth is slowly starting to emerge, slowly only because of FBI, and DOJ foot dragging.
I told you a long time ago to jump off the ship or there will be egg that needs to be wiped off your face. Back in November last year I posted of Andrew McCabe's early retirement, I wondered why. Imagine that, the clown was in the news after the AIG report, and he is now the target of a federal grand jury. Oh shucks.
No there there on Trumps side, FBI, DOJ not so good for anyone associated with the conspiracy. I used the exact term long ago, it was and is.
Ok, your turn rip apart what I just said.
I haven’t changed my mind one bit. You seem to think you’ve been proved right and we have no idea how deep Mueller’s probe has gone or all it has discovered.

If when the investigation is complete there truly is “no there there”, I’ll happily take “egg on my face”. If you think that somehow you will have shamed me or any such silliness, then you simply have no idea how comfortable I am in my own skin.

However, I am still confident that there was nefarious contact between Russian agents and the Trump campaign. It was far more than having Russian salad dressing at a state dinner and in some cases may rise to the level of conspiracy.

And since the president can’t help but interject himself into the investigation on a daily basis, I would find it highly ironic if Mueller decided to issue another dozen or so indictments two weeks before the midterm election.


Staff member
Oh how they laughed and scoffed and smirked at the "conspiracy." What has been demonstrated on this forum is the same reasoning that lost them an election. The belief that they know better, are intellectually superior, are entitled to the presidency. Why, we're all just a bunch of bigoted rubes. And come to find out that the conspiracy to steal an election with Russian collusion was actually a conspiracy to protect Hillary and frame Trump, and they were the ones being manipulated all along, by both Democrats and Republicans no less. Must be a bitter pill to swallow, realizing they're not as brilliant as they thought, and were manipulated into believing a lie by their own folks. I'm pretty sure it's happened to all of us at some point, only seeing what our party and their media mouthpieces want us to see. But we're easily manipulated bigoted rubes. Supposed to happen to us. Not to the intellectuals who sneer at us. Possibly the most satisfying political debacle in history. When I'm close to death will still be smiling over this.
You must be getting your information from Alex Jones still.


Well-Known Member
I haven’t changed my mind one bit. You seem to think you’ve been proved right and we have no idea how deep Mueller’s probe has gone or all it has discovered.

If when the investigation is complete there truly is “no there there”, I’ll happily take “egg on my face”. If you think that somehow you will have shamed me or any such silliness, then you simply have no idea how comfortable I am in my own skin.

However, I am still confident that there was nefarious contact between Russian agents and the Trump campaign. It was far more than having Russian salad dressing at a state dinner and in some cases may rise to the level of conspiracy.

And since the president can’t help but interject himself into the investigation on a daily basis, I would find it highly ironic if Mueller decided to issue another dozen or so indictments two weeks before the midterm election.
Mueller can do what ever he wants. I told you 10 months ago and the only thing that has changed is Papajackass has been sentenced to 14 days. This was the clown that you clowns said the fisa was issued for and the investigation was started over.
You don't know when to quit. Everything I have said to you has been proven true. Process crimes, nothing more nothing less. Your clown Mueller has crapped out, period. Mueller will still fight for any dirt, he wants Trump impeached, but I'm kinda sensing an attack to his flank. No there there, sunny side.


Staff member
Mueller can do what ever he wants. I told you 10 months ago and the only thing that has changed is Papajackass has been sentenced to 14 days. This was the clown that you clowns said the fisa was issued for and the investigation was started over.
You don't know when to quit. Everything I have said to you has been proven true. Process crimes, nothing more nothing less. Your clown Mueller has crapped out, period. Mueller will still fight for any dirt, he wants Trump impeached, but I'm kinda sensing an attack to his flank. No there there, sunny side.
The only thing proven is that the investigation is not complete.

Papajackass sentences...ok. And the FISA obviously warranted.

Trump should be vetting his people better.


Well-Known Member
The only thing proven is that the investigation is not complete.

Papajackass sentences...ok. And the FISA obviously warranted.

Trump should be vetting his people better.
Understood, the investigation is not complete, no different than day 1, exactly what crime is being investigated? There is none and the fruit of the investigation is being harvested now.
I told you long ago, let me investigate you and I will find something, against you personally, I stand by that claim, and here we are today. Nothing that was alleged has an ounce of evidence, let alone proof. They have revisited already investigated claims which were deemed not worthy of DOJ time or in Flynn's case the FBI didn't think he was lying.
Mueller comes in, revisits these occurrences and finds criminal wrong doing. He did this for 1 purpose and one purpose only, to gain incriminating testimony against President Trump, from the indicted or criminally charged. Simple fact, there is no there there. Mueller's house of cards folds daily but he will persist to the expansive field that was given to him. The :censored2: is into it to destroy lives and cares not who is destroyed. I'm sorry this is not the America I want to live in.

I have no idea why you claim FISA was warranted, nothing prosecutable has arisen from it, and reporting asserts the application was based on lies and unverified assertions. Be not deceived, your sin will find you out. It will and I believe the process has commenced. Everything is well and good. President Trump is going nowhere. Deal with it.


Staff member
Understood, the investigation is not complete, no different than day 1, exactly what crime is being investigated? There is none and the fruit of the investigation is being harvested now.
I told you long ago, let me investigate you and I will find something, against you personally, I stand by that claim, and here we are today. Nothing that was alleged has an ounce of evidence, let alone proof. They have revisited already investigated claims which were deemed not worthy of DOJ time or in Flynn's case the FBI didn't think he was lying.
Mueller comes in, revisits these occurrences and finds criminal wrong doing. He did this for 1 purpose and one purpose only, to gain incriminating testimony against President Trump, from the indicted or criminally charged. Simple fact, there is no there there. Mueller's house of cards folds daily but he will persist to the expansive field that was given to him. The :censored2: is into it to destroy lives and cares not who is destroyed. I'm sorry this is not the America I want to live in.

I have no idea why you claim FISA was warranted, nothing prosecutable has arisen from it, and reporting asserts the application was based on lies and unverified assertions. Be not deceived, your sin will find you out. It will and I believe the process has commenced. Everything is well and good. President Trump is going nowhere. Deal with it.
It is not my sin that is in question but the president’s.

Don’t start putting him forward for sainthood.


Well-Known Member
It is not my sin that is in question but the president’s.

Don’t start putting him forward for sainthood.
Someone must be feeling guilty about something right about now.
Not concerned with your sin, it's the launching of an investigation of no defined crime with no set perimeters to entrap US citizens in an effort to coerce testimony, under fear of prosecution to ensnare another US citizen that happens to be the duly elected president. These tactics do not belong in the country I love.

Now, you personally, take care of the sin that is bothering you.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
how many isis t-shirts do you own?
My wife has a t-shirt with an iris on it.
Does that count?



Well-Known Member
Understood, the investigation is not complete, no different than day 1, exactly what crime is being investigated?
Collusion is a crime. Hope this helps.

Remember those pattern questions in 4th grade? Here's another one.

Trump's Lawyer: Felon
Trump's Campaign Chairman: Felon
Trump's Deputy Campaign Chairman: Felon
Trump's National Security Adviser: Felon
Trump's Foreign Policy Adviser: Felon
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Well-Known Member
Someone must be feeling guilty about something right about now.
Not concerned with your sin, it's the launching of an investigation of no defined crime with no set perimeters to entrap US citizens in an effort to coerce testimony, under fear of prosecution to ensnare another US citizen that happens to be the duly elected president. These tactics do not belong in the country I love.

Now, you personally, take care of the sin that is bothering you.
Law school didn't work out, is why you're at UPS? Collusion, by definition of law, is the same as conspiracy.
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