President Trump


Well-Known Member
By that logic, we won’t see moral arguments from you when an administration comes to power doing things you don’t want done, correct?
In part that is a good response, but you fail to recognize a totally immoral president is not trying to force immoral acts and have them codified into law on the citizens.


Staff member
In part that is a good response, but you fail to recognize a totally immoral president is not trying to force immoral acts and have them codified into law on the citizens.
I think newfie has agreed that the swamp is not a place to look for moral leadership.

Calling things immoral from Washington is nothing.


Well-Known Member
In part that is a good response, but you fail to recognize a totally immoral president is not trying to force immoral acts and have them codified into law on the citizens.

Do you define morality as defined in the bible, or is there another measure that we are discussing?

Think really hard about the plight of immigrants in Christianity.

Show me you are a Christian., because I doubt.


Well-Known Member

Do you define morality as defined in the bible, or is there another measure that we are discussing?

Think really hard about the plight of immigrants in Christianity.

Show me you are a Christian., because I doubt.
I'm not a good person, I have fully displayed that in this forum. I am a Christian strictly by Grace, the fact that God cloaked himself in human flesh to die for me,a sinner, of whom I am chief. I am thankful for His act of mercy, and thankful I do not have to be religious. Hello, by the way.


Well-Known Member
I didn't vote for a pope I voted for a president who can and is doing the things I wanted done.


I was thinking about that, if Rubio or Cruz or Kasich or Romney had won, we'd basically have the same scenario without all the drama.

Supreme Court picks, deregulation, tax cuts, etc.

We wouldn't have these nonsense trade wars, tariffs, super-drama with Special Counsels and porn stars and, and, and...

What is so special about Trump? I mean, the guy was a Democrat until he ran for office. Trump's agenda is basically Heritage Foundation 101, it's not rocket science.

I just don't get the unwavering love for Orange Hitler...

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

I was thinking about that, if Rubio or Cruz or Kasich or Romney had won, we'd basically have the same scenario without all the drama.

Supreme Court picks, deregulation, tax cuts, etc.

We wouldn't have these nonsense trade wars, tariffs, super-drama with Special Counsels and porn stars and, and, and...

What is so special about Trump? I mean, the guy was a Democrat until he ran for office. Trump's agenda is basically Heritage Foundation 101, it's not rocket science.

I just don't get the unwavering love for Orange Hitler...
Probably the never ending hate from the previous 8 years.
It feels good to win.


Staff member
Every thing the leftie-loonies has thrown so far has just went splat and then slid down the wall.
So you think that the convictions have been the end of the story? That what Flynn and now Manafort have been doing is merely exchanging pleasantries with Mueller?

Now if you want to see futility, just pay attention to Devin Nunes and the attempt to always change focus to Hillary.