President Trump


Well-Known Member
Lol. Ok.

Nobody else?
They already had everything Manafort had, period. Mueller is trying to look honest now. Kinda like..... holy:poop:, I didn't know this stuff was out there.
My opinion, Trump would have pardoned and paid any tax liability, Personally, on tv I hope. Just my opinion, new waters are being fished now, but these clowns still aren't searching for truth. It is just another part of the cover-up, Manafort just happens to be a recipient of the good fortune. It's all Bull:poop:, we need a new special prosecutor over the entire proceedings.
Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a good person, I have fully displayed that in this forum. I am a Christian strictly by Grace, the fact that God cloaked himself in human flesh to die for me,a sinner, of whom I am chief. I am thankful for His act of mercy, and thankful I do not have to be religious. Hello, by the way.
You can’t continually sin and consider yourself saved by Grace.

God told me so.


Well-Known Member
They already had everything Manafort had, period. Mueller is trying to look honest now. Kinda like..... holy:poop:, I didn't know this stuff was out there.
My opinion, Trump would have pardoned and paid any tax liability, Personally, on tv I hope. Just my opinion, new waters are being fished now, but these clowns still aren't searching for truth. It is just another part of the cover-up, Manafort just happens to be a recipient of the good fortune. It's all Bull:poop:, we need a new special prosecutor over the entire proceedings.
Just my opinion.
Evading taxes and Federal law is just :bsbullf:?

You don’t believe in the rule of law?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You can’t continually sin and consider yourself saved by Grace.

God told me so.
Jesus and goobers.jpg


Well-Known Member
It's not the end ... Mueller is still getting all he can about how Russia tried to influence the USA elections.
He’s already paid for the investigation twice over, and is uncovering major criminal activity in our privileged class.

If I was a betting man, I’d bet Donnie John may have a lot of dirty money in his past.

He was born into the mob, as are his children.


Well-Known Member
There is no longer any surprise. Just justification born of the president’s incompetence.

And I enjoy watching the right crap all over the high minded morals they’ve preached for a generation. No doubt they’ll find them again once they are out of power.
Your side nominated possibly the most crooked politician in history for president and you're castigating us about morals? A lot of chutzpah on your part.