President Trump


nowhere special
Can you not make billions from a million?
Did he have to tell you his father gave him money all his life?
My dad gave me money. He also loaned me money.
Why is Trumps money from his father " funneled " ?
This makes him a con man and a fraud?
Free money is only OK if its from the government.

Didn't you get the memo?


Well-Known Member
I mean....

Read the article.

If you’re assertion is that the Trumps were completely legit, that’s incorrect.

Bla, bla.

The major takeaway is that Trump received upwards of $400,000,000 from his Pater.

Not the $1,000,000 that he claimed.

The image of Trump as a self-made man is false.


Well-Known Member
Can you not make billions from a million?
Did he have to tell you his father gave him money all his life?
My dad gave me money. He also loaned me money.
Why is Trumps money from his father " funneled " ?
This makes him a con man and a fraud?
What it comes down to is avoidance of inheritance taxes. Past the statute of limitations on criminal charges if anything illegal was done. But no limitation on collecting past due taxes. He may have a really fat bill after penalties and interest are added. What is interesting is apparently the NY Times had access to his returns and other records. Sounds like someone within the government leaked them.


Well-Known Member
I mean....

Read the article.

If you’re assertion is that the Trumps were completely legit, that’s incorrect.

Bla, bla.

The major takeaway is that Trump received upwards of $400,000,000 from his Pater.

Not the $1,000,000 that he claimed.

The image of Trump as a self-made man is false.
The assertion is that what he received from his father 40 years ago would be the equivalent of what was it, $413 million today. If he's a billionaire he made more happen with his money than most.


Well-Known Member
What it comes down to is avoidance of inheritance taxes. Past the statute of limitations on criminal charges if anything illegal was done. But no limitation on collecting past due taxes. He may have a really fat bill after penalties and interest are added. What is interesting is apparently the NY Times had access to his returns and other records. Sounds like someone within the government leaked them.

What is interesting is that Trump's claims of being a self-made man are completely false.

Trump's a liar.

He bought your vote with a lie, but you still support him.

That's also matter how many times it's proven that Trump is a liar, you still stick with him.

You have a sickness.

First step is admitting you have a problem...