President Trump


Well-Known Member
I think most people at that level would prefer the actual income. Back when FedEx used to give us stock it was fractions of a share. You have to own a lot of stock before it amounts to something. Working class people need take home to pay the bills. If someone gets bumped up $2hr, $80 a week on 40, that's a huge difference. And my wife worked for Amazon, and she didn't get hundreds a month in incentives, etc.

Amazon employees get 2 shares(at almost 2k per share) when hired and then get other stock options yearly. They get 8% monthly bonus and 16% monthly bonus during November and December. Thats all gone now. I agree, take home pay is important to many, but lets be realists, most of that extra pay will be pissed away by the vast majority. At least stock options would provide for some type of retirement. And the biggest issue is Amazon coming out like theyre doing some great thing, when in reality theyve just played three card Monte with their employees...


Well-Known Member
Amazon employees get 2 shares(at almost 2k per share) when hired and then get other stock options yearly. They get 8% monthly bonus and 16% monthly bonus during November and December. Thats all gone now. I agree, take home pay is important to many, but lets be realists, most of that extra pay will be :censored2: away by the vast majority. At least stock options would provide for some type of retirement. And the biggest issue is Amazon coming out like theyre doing some great thing, when in reality theyve just played three card Monte with their employees...
What you don't say is that hourly pay is guaranteed, but bonuses are based on attendance and meeting goals. If you take a day off you lose 2%. But I'll give you the stock plan was a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Obama lied about so much it's hard to figure where to start. And Hillary got rich selling access to her office and to what was assumed would be her presidency. You guys sweep that under the rug but if Trump farts you scream bloody murder.

Maybe you misunderstand me, I think they are ALL screwing us, democrats and republicans, its all a big con game and we are the marks. Trumps no different then any of them, he hasnt drained an ounce of the swamp, if he was going to be this great changer and bring the country together like he so often bragged about, he would have a much more centrist agenda that included the vast majority of Americans instead of pandering to one side.


Well-Known Member
What you don't say is that hourly pay is guaranteed, but bonuses are based on attendance and meeting goals. If you take a day off you lose 2%. But I'll give you the stock plan was a good thing.
Uhhh, hourly pay is guarunteed, but if you dont show up to work you lose your bonus AND your hourly pay. I dont think they pay you that hourly rate to stay home.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you misunderstand me, I think they are ALL screwing us, democrats and republicans, its all a big con game and we are the marks. Trumps no different then any of them, he hasnt drained an ounce of the swamp, if he was going to be this great changer and bring the country together like he so often bragged about, he would have a much more centrist agenda that included the vast majority of Americans instead of pandering to one side.
It's impossible for him to take on the entire Federal government. But he's actually accomplishing some things that help the little guy. I could care less what the rich make as long as there's measurable improvement in the lives of the middle and working classes. No one is going to come in and insure fat paychecks for everyone. But if an environment can be created where those that work hard have opportunities to succeed, what's the problem? Stifling business with burdensome regulations and taxes won't make our lives better. I've seen people on this board say Social Security should be taken away from most everyone. With more people working it actually makes Social Security more solvent. As the saying goes, lead, follow, or get out of the way. You may hate him, but Trump is leading.


Well-Known Member
Workers would earn 1 share per ( almost $2k at the moment) + 1 share every 5 years. + Up to an 8% bonus each month.
And what if competitors make Amazon obsolete? What if Amazon can't attract investors because it's profit isn't high enough? Share price goes down. Hourly pay is guaranteed.


Well-Known Member
It's impossible for him to take on the entire Federal government. But he's actually accomplishing some things that help the little guy. I could care less what the rich make as long as there's measurable improvement in the lives of the middle and working classes. No one is going to come in and insure fat paychecks for everyone. But if an environment can be created where those that work hard have opportunities to succeed, what's the problem? Stifling business with burdensome regulations and taxes won't make our lives better. I've seen people on this board say Social Security should be taken away from most everyone. With more people working it actually makes Social Security more solvent. As the saying goes, lead, follow, or get out of the way. You may hate him, but Trump is leading.

You're amazingly clueless: Trump's successes so far are modest gains for workers, while the 1% get all the dividends.

Are you so wrapped up in the anti-Trump melodrama that you aren't actually paying attention to what's happening?

Run the numbers, man.

Trump 'renames' NAFTA, calls it a success.

More like a ':censored2:-cess'.

It's NAFTA 2.0...we win, they win, everyone wins.

Haven't you figured it out by now? Trump calls success 'success', he calls failure 'success', he calls a draw 'success'.

Is your blood level more Kool-Aid than plasma at this point?


Well-Known Member
You're amazingly clueless: Trump's successes so far are modest gains for workers, while the 1% get all the dividends.

Are you so wrapped up in the anti-Trump melodrama that you aren't actually paying attention to what's happening?

Run the numbers, man.

Trump 'renames' NAFTA, calls it a success.

More like a ':censored2:-cess'.

It's NAFTA 2.0...we win, they win, everyone wins.

Haven't you figured it out by now? Trump calls success 'success', he calls failure 'success', he calls a draw 'success'.

Is your blood level more Kool-Aid than plasma at this point?
Unemployment at record lows in 14 States. African American, Hispanic unemployment at record lows. More jobs than workers. Pay going up while taxes less. Government revenue way up(still need to make the Dems howl by cutting spending). Either you don't have a clue because you live in an UPS bubble, or you're a disingenuous partisan.


Well-Known Member
Unemployment at record lows in 14 States. African American, Hispanic unemployment at record lows. More jobs than workers. Pay going up while taxes less. Government revenue way up(still need to make the Dems howl by cutting spending). Either you don't have a clue because you live in an UPS bubble, or you're a disingenuous partisan.

Look man, I'll give orange Caesar his due, tax-cuts, Obama lift-off, etc.

The economy is bumping.

At what cost?

Let's revisit this in a decade, if you're still alive.


El Correcto

god is dead
Just look how happy CNN anchors are fellating Obama.

We can’t allow them to ever be happy again, CNN needs to stay the pit of misery and despair it truly is.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Sorry he's no genius, just a con man and a fraud.
It doesn't take a genius to know Trumps not a genius.
We have always known con men and frauds fill Congress and the Senate.
Trumpster has the best numbers , has had the the best results , best leadership skills of any con man that has sat in the Round Office in a good long time.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't take a genius to know Trumps not a genius.
We have always known con men and frauds fill Congress and the Senate.
Trumpster has the best numbers , has had the the best results , best leadership skills of any con man that has sat in the Round Office in a good long time.


And you're just OK with that?

Trump himself could have written your post.

He doesn't have the best numbers, he doesn't have the best results, he certainly doesn't have the best leadership skills.

Or, should I say, lederhosen skills.

20 to 1, Melania is banging the SS detail.


Well-Known Member

And you're just OK with that?

Trump himself could have written your post.

He doesn't have the best numbers, he doesn't have the best results, he certainly doesn't have the best leadership skills.

Or, should I say, lederhosen skills.

20 to 1, Melania is banging the SS detail.
You're a real class act. Everyone knows Obama is gay, but did we ever say he was banging the SS detail? Low rent.