Well-Known Member
I think most people at that level would prefer the actual income. Back when FedEx used to give us stock it was fractions of a share. You have to own a lot of stock before it amounts to something. Working class people need take home to pay the bills. If someone gets bumped up $2hr, $80 a week on 40, that's a huge difference. And my wife worked for Amazon, and she didn't get hundreds a month in incentives, etc.
Amazon employees get 2 shares(at almost 2k per share) when hired and then get other stock options yearly. They get 8% monthly bonus and 16% monthly bonus during November and December. Thats all gone now. I agree, take home pay is important to many, but lets be realists, most of that extra pay will be pissed away by the vast majority. At least stock options would provide for some type of retirement. And the biggest issue is Amazon coming out like theyre doing some great thing, when in reality theyve just played three card Monte with their employees...