President Trump


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Obama got me health insurance protections. Trump has tried to take them away. Fact.
Obama got you those protections with the intent to destroy the health insurance industry. Sometimes people get sick, fact of life, but should everyone suffer to take care of those who if sick enough will die anyways? Harsh reality, but reality. This whole idea that we're somehow supposed to live to 100 with paid for medical care is a pretty recent phenomenon. Didn't used to be that way, was never that way.


Well-Known Member
Facts are pesky things, aren’t they?

You can’t refute the facts that Trump is a fraud.

the post you responded to was the one that pointed out your inability to refute my irrefutable facts.

again Trump has been audited exhaustively and proven to be anything but a fraud.

thus my orginal point that only a few snowflakes will believe this fairy tale.

thus you are and continue to be such.

ocd or liar?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Obama got you those protections with the intent to destroy the health insurance industry. Sometimes people get sick, fact of life, but should everyone suffer to take care of those who if sick enough will die anyways? Harsh reality, but reality. This whole idea that we're somehow supposed to live to 100 with paid for medical care is a pretty recent phenomenon. Didn't used to be that way, was never that way.
But....but....I was SO counting on someone else paying for my heart/lung transplant.
If the wealthy are entitled to it, so am I. Lifestyles be damned.


golden ticket member
But....but....I was SO counting on someone else paying for my heart/lung transplant.
If the wealthy are entitled to it, so am I. Lifestyles be damned.
Needing a heart/lung, you should be searching the illegal transplant sites on the net instead of griping on Browncafe.


Well-Known Member
That can’t be true. Trump took the shackles off the economy. It was a terrible economy for job growth under Obama and the best ever under Trump. Data be damned.

libs tend to talk about Obama's positive job growth as a catch all economy measure and ignore the loss of manufacturing jobs, anemic GDP growth , stagnant wage growth, high black unemployment , high Hispanic unemployment, high veteran unemployment , huge trade imbalance, huge deficit , loss of intellectual property rights etc.


Well-Known Member
the post you responded to was the one that pointed out your inability to refute my irrefutable facts.

again Trump has been audited exhaustively and proven to be anything but a fraud.

thus my orginal(sp) point that only a few snowflakes will believe this fairy tale.

thus you are and continue to be such.

ocd or liar?
Saying 'thus' over and over sure makes you look smart.

Facts be damned.


Well-Known Member
libs tend to talk about Obama's positive job growth as a catch all economy measure and ignore the loss of manufacturing jobs, anemic GDP growth , stagnant wage growth, high black unemployment , high Hispanic unemployment, high veteran unemployment , huge trade imbalance, huge deficit , loss of intellectual property rights etc.
Apparently all of those Democrats who crossed over to vote for Trump weren't aware that they'd be better off with Hillary continuing Obama's policies.


Well-Known Member
the post you responded to was the one that pointed out your inability to refute my irrefutable facts.

again Trump has been audited exhaustively and proven to be anything but a fraud.

thus my orginal point that only a few snowflakes will believe this fairy tale.

thus you are and continue to be such.

ocd or liar?

The problem is that you're incorrect.

Saying that your opinions are 'irrefutable' facts over and over and over again doesn't change the fact that you're wrong.

I guess you're using 'alternative' facts.