President Trump

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Obama got you those protections with the intent to destroy the health insurance industry. Sometimes people get sick, fact of life, but should everyone suffer to take care of those who if sick enough will die anyways? Harsh reality, but reality. This whole idea that we're somehow supposed to live to 100 with paid for medical care is a pretty recent phenomenon. Didn't used to be that way, was never that way.
That’s how insurance works. The healthy pay for the sick with for-profit companies skimming off the top. I’m not sure why your ideal world has poor people dying so the wealthy can live longer. I think we can do better.


Well-Known Member
That’s how insurance works. The healthy pay for the sick with for-profit companies skimming off the top. I’m not sure why your ideal world has poor people dying so the wealthy can live longer. I think we can do better.
You are the one that has no idea of how insurance works. I can explain but I will ask for for an education. That gives you an excellent chance to pick my answer apart and expose me as a fool. Balls in your court.


Well-Known Member
The Constitution says in Article II, Section 3 that "[The President] may, on Extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them....".

I don't think a tax cut for political purposes meets that standard
aside, with two quick phone calls it could be done. One to the Speaker, and one to the Senate majority leader, you clowns constantly seek to division.