President Trump


Well-Known Member
Wut? I’m pretty comfortable, but I built my business myself, didn’t start on 3rd base like Donnie.

envy and jealousy noted.

so you started out without a single penny to your name , you were completely poor with no help from anyone in your family and built it all yourself? in other words you were born and raised and left the house naked and made everything you have yourself without any help from anyone else?


Well-Known Member
envy and jealousy noted.

so you started out without a single penny to your name , you were completely poor with no help from anyone in your family and built it all yourself? in other words you were born and raised and left the house naked and made everything you have yourself without any help from anyone else?
Good point. He just can't stand that his daddy couldn't help him the way Trump's daddy did.


Well-Known Member
What does any of this drivel have to do with health insurance?
Was merely trying to start a conversation on "health insurance" as you guys call it by using the example of a true insurance product. I could have used life insurance as well as car insurance, and every other true insurance product.

Obviously you are ignorant of true insurance, and how rates are derived. I noticed no one bit to answer the question, only your unintelligent response.
To respond to your question, Nothing. Obama care is not an insurance product. Obama care, in the least is a mixture of welfare, and a system priced on a person's ability to to pay premiums, not dictated by individual risk. There are other parts of Obama care that preclude an individual of asserting their personal choices, these omitted choices are also elements of a pure insurance product.
I expect nothing more than a snipe from you, if that, you will most likely slink away.
I understand, you couldn't even understand where my initial post was leading.
Ask another question if you want.


Well-Known Member
I know you do not know them. Hope that helps

I know the fact that Fred frequently bailed out 'the Donald' well into Donald's forties.

If you have a sincere refutation of that fact, or any other fact, go for it.

The truth is, either:

You don't actually know the facts, you're just a catcher for your team.


You know the facts, and you're just as much a liar as Trump is.

Which is it?

They're both bad options.

I'm sure you're a nice guy in real life.