Presidential debates!! 2012



So aside Crowley confirming historical fact on a speech made in the rose garden, what did you find objectionable about her?

I will accept that, but also accept her saying the following day she was wrong.


golden ticket member
Actually, she seemed to say that right after she confirmed that Obama used the words "terrorist act"
The comment in the Rose Garden prior to him taking off to Vegas was not terrorist attack but it was "Act of Terror".....used in general about all acts of terror. Candy defended a lie..............she's no heroine and he's not a hero!!!!

You should listen more carefully to your leader
and not defend the undefendable!!


golden ticket member
They keep showing that stage for tonight's debate and I see a desk and chairs like the set up for Biden\Ryan. Why sit 2 guys at a desk when they hate each other? I like the deuling podiums better !!!

It's harder to project your voice when you are sitting down!

Maybe the podium will be placed later.

I know the ancient moderator needs to sit.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Romney, the man with NO answers. How about some specifics as to how you're going to create all those new jobs, Mitt? Or how about some concrete examples of your foreign policy experience, Mr Romney? And, what exactly does being a business executive have to do with running America? America is not a business last time I's a country. Oh, and since you did such a terrific job as Governor of Massachusetts, why are those same people rejecting you so strongly that you have conceded the state to Obama?

And, we're still waiting for those tax returns. Did they get lost on your last trip to Kolob? Perhaps you left them in the glovebox of Gignok's spaceship on the return trip home from God's planet. If you believe so strongly in American business, why do you keep your millions offshore in Swiss and Cayman Islands bank accounts? Not very bullish on the USA, or patriotic.

Why did you protest for the Vietnam War, Mitt, and then take multiple deferrments? Why have none of the Romney family joined the US Armed Forces?

Whenever I listen to Mitt Romney, I hear platitudes, not specifics. Same with Ryan, the man who cannot even provide the math that backs-up his budget claims. Smoke and mirrors, my friend.

I give you the uber left Intellegencia...

My favorite 2 lines - "What does being a business executive have to do with running America? America is not a business last time I's a country."

How do you argue with ignorance?


golden ticket member
I give you the uber left Intellegencia...

My favorite 2 lines - "What does being a business executive have to do with running America? America is not a business last time I's a country."

How do you argue with ignorance?
You just say "Bless your heart" and move on.


Staff member
The comment in the Rose Garden prior to him taking off to Vegas was not terrorist attack but it was "Act of Terror".....used in general about all acts of terror. Candy defended a lie..............she's no heroine and he's not a hero!!!!

You should listen more carefully to your leader
and not defend the undefendable!!
So I just went back and watched that part of the debate and Obama claimed he called it an "act of terror". Romney pounced making sure it was "act of terror" that he called it. Candy confirmed Obama had used the phrase "act of terror". So it seems they were all in agreement--much to Mitt's chagrin. So if you want to defend Mitt's ability to make ridiculous assertions and leave them hanging there until (and if) he gets around to the transcript, then fine. But that doesn't make Mitt's misstep any less damaging.


golden ticket member
So I just went back and watched that part of the debate and Obama claimed he called it an "act of terror". Romney pounced making sure it was "act of terror" that he called it. Candy confirmed Obama had used the phrase "act of terror". So it seems they were all in agreement--much to Mitt's chagrin. So if you want to defend Mitt's ability to make ridiculous assertions and leave them hanging there until (and if) he gets around to the transcript, then fine. But that doesn't make Mitt's misstep any less damaging.
Obama said we will not tolerate any act of terror...........................he did not call the attack on B. Libya itself a terrorist attack.
He went on several outlets and was still talking about that stupid film as was his crew.....Rice, Hillary and the rest of the stooges.
I (private citizen) called it a planned attack by the terrorists within 24 hours.
Mitt's misstep, as you call it, was abhorarance to Creepy Crawley inserting herself into the debate, like she was more than a reader of questions.

She thinks she is a "super news woman" and there has never been a woman in news better than her.
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Für Meno :)
Stop bickering, - both sides !

Yes, Obama didn't really declare it was an Act of Terror (but could be one).
And Romney totally jumped the gun, and got lucky that it was actually an Act of Terror and not just a demostration gone wrong.

The facts weren't out when either statements were made !

I would be surprised if it even is a topic in tonights speech, because it could hurt both.


golden ticket member
There are repercussions for lies to the American people. Maybe Canadians like being lied to.

"includes the word "terror" used in the generic sense, not referring to "terrorism" or "terrorist act". "

The administration is coming up with another story for tonight's debate. Usually, when you are in a hole you stop digging. Alway tell the truth and you don't have to have a great memory!!

Obama is a liar caught in a lie and he talked some lessers into taking the blame, but he is ultimately responsible. This isn't going away Klein.....and why do you care? You are not an American!!
Maybe the drone story will be brought up tonight and who watched as the ambassador was allowed to die !! It matters big time and to trivialize it is dishonest as the least and criminal to me!!!

We can't move on.......we have a dishonest president and he has to come clean or get out !!


Für Meno :)
But you`re totally ok with Romney that jumped the gun, just hrs after the attack , even though it took the CIA a whole 10 days to determine that it was indeed an "Act of Terror" ?

What if next time it's a missle that has been launch by a computer virus or some other malfunction towards the US or a US allie and Romney is in charge ?
Shoot first and ask questions later - doesn't work !
And yes, such a decision will not just effect the US, but also Canada and the entire world !

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
This was the exact statement that Romney condemned. It came from the Embassy in Cairo. Romney was right to condemn this statement.

“The Embassy of the United States,” the statement said, “condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims — as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions.”

All you lefties, get off your high horses and stop defending the actions of a misguided White House that continues to apologize to middle east terrorists for our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Read more here: The Cairo embassy statement was fair game -


Staff member
So Lifer, would you prefer a Romney administration would come in, put all muslims on the "terrorist watch list" and condemn all muslims as enemies of the state? I think you are reading the words you want to read in the embassy statement. They hold about as much weight as the US condemning China for human rights violations. Words on a page.


Well-Known Member
But you`re totally ok with Romney that jumped the gun, just hrs after the attack , even though it took the CIA a whole 10 days to determine that it was indeed an "Act of Terror" ?

What if next time it's a missle that has been launch by a computer virus or some other malfunction towards the US or a US allie and Romney is in charge ?
Shoot first and ask questions later - doesn't work !
And yes, such a decision will not just effect the US, but also Canada and the entire world !

It was determined to be a terrorist action 24 hours after the attack, not 10 days. Also its technically not an act of terror because that would have to include a faction, such as al Quaeda, attacking a civilian target. This was not a civilian target, but U.S. government property and employees. This was, in fact, an act of war, and I hope President Romney will be kind enough to show who is responsible how seriously we respond to acts of war.


Für Meno :)
It was determined to be a terrorist action 24 hours after the attack, not 10 days. Also its technically not an act of terror because that would have to include a faction, such as al Quaeda, attacking a civilian target. This was not a civilian target, but U.S. government property and employees. This was, in fact, an act of war, and I hope President Romney will be kind enough to show who is responsible how seriously we respond to acts of war.

Even if it was 24hrs as you say it was (which actually it wasn't) ! - Romney was quicker than that. Took him only a few hrs !

And , I figured you would have learned a lesson by now, not to invade countries, and spending trillions and many lives, after the decade long wars against Afghanistan and Iraq that had nothing to do with 9/11 !

Looking back now, those drones would have done the job, eh ?


golden ticket member
Even if it was 24hrs as you say it was (which actually it wasn't) ! - Romney was quicker than that. Took him only a few hrs !

And , I figured you would have learned a lesson by now, not to invade countries, and spending trillions and many lives, after the decade long wars against Afghanistan and Iraq that had nothing to do with 9/11 !

Looking back now, those drones would have done the job, eh ?
You know , AlQuaida can set it's sights on Canada too. You can kumbaya them then and see how that works!!