Presidential debates!! 2012


Staff member
Would have been funny if Romney just kept asking the question time and time again since he was never going to believe the answer coming frrom Obama's mouth. So, yes, to move a debate along, it probably was her job.


Engorged Member
maybe because he wanted a real answer.

Romney, the man with NO answers. How about some specifics as to how you're going to create all those new jobs, Mitt? Or how about some concrete examples of your foreign policy experience, Mr Romney? And, what exactly does being a business executive have to do with running America? America is not a business last time I's a country. Oh, and since you did such a terrific job as Governor of Massachusetts, why are those same people rejecting you so strongly that you have conceded the state to Obama?

And, we're still waiting for those tax returns. Did they get lost on your last trip to Kolob? Perhaps you left them in the glovebox of Gignok's spaceship on the return trip home from God's planet. If you believe so strongly in American business, why do you keep your millions offshore in Swiss and Cayman Islands bank accounts? Not very bullish on the USA, or patriotic.

Why did you protest for the Vietnam War, Mitt, and then take multiple deferrments? Why have none of the Romney family joined the US Armed Forces?

Whenever I listen to Mitt Romney, I hear platitudes, not specifics. Same with Ryan, the man who cannot even provide the math that backs-up his budget claims. Smoke and mirrors, my friend.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Romney, the man with NO answers. How about some specifics as to how you're going to create all those new jobs, Mitt? Or how about some concrete examples of your foreign policy experience, Mr Romney? And, what exactly does being a business executive have to do with running America? America is not a business last time I's a country. Oh, and since you did such a terrific job as Governor of Massachusetts, why are those same people rejecting you so strongly that you have conceded the state to Obama?

And, we're still waiting for those tax returns. Did they get lost on your last trip to Kolob? Perhaps you left them in the glovebox of Gignok's spaceship on the return trip home from God's planet. If you believe so strongly in American business, why do you keep your millions offshore in Swiss and Cayman Islands bank accounts? Not very bullish on the USA, or patriotic.

Why did you protest for the Vietnam War, Mitt, and then take multiple deferrments? Why have none of the Romney family joined the US Armed Forces?

Whenever I listen to Mitt Romney, I hear platitudes, not specifics. Same with Ryan, the man who cannot even provide the math that backs-up his budget claims. Smoke and mirrors, my friend.

Platitudes subsitutes for "we dont like the black guy".... something to remember the 2012 election by.




Well-Known Member
If Romney knew the answer, why did he keep asking the question?

As I would any other child I will explain the entire scenario to you. Romney was looking for a clarification of the statement Obama had just made which was a complete lie. Getting to him admit it a second time would amplify the point that Romney was prepared to make and that was making Obama out to be the liar that he is. What Romney wasn't counting on was the mainstream media hack stepping into the debate, as if she was there to debate, and lying for Obama so that he won't make a fool of himself. Does this answer your question?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
As I would any other child I will explain the entire scenario to you. Romney was looking for a clarification of the statement Obama had just made which was a complete lie. Getting to him admit it a second time would amplify the point that Romney was prepared to make and that was making Obama out to be the liar that he is. What Romney wasn't counting on was the mainstream media hack stepping into the debate, as if she was there to debate, and lying for Obama so that he won't make a fool of himself. Does this answer your question?

And you are still working for UPS? I'm surprised Karl Rove isn't trying to hire you away to work on the campaign.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
After Obama 2016 comes the next GOP movie..



Staff member
As I would any other child I will explain the entire scenario to you. Romney was looking for a clarification of the statement Obama had just made which was a complete lie. Getting to him admit it a second time would amplify the point that Romney was prepared to make and that was making Obama out to be the liar that he is. What Romney wasn't counting on was the mainstream media hack stepping into the debate, as if she was there to debate, and lying for Obama so that he won't make a fool of himself. Does this answer your question?
As Obama said of his Rose Garden speech, read the transcript and you will find yourself the liar.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
So aside Crowley confirming historical fact on a speech made in the rose garden, what did you find objectionable about her?

Even CBS says Candy screwed up and was WRONG...but i guess you either missed that or CBS must be lieing. And even when your Messiah and the rest of his Admin went all over the media for weeks claiming it was a Youtube must have missed that too. And you tried to convience me you were not part of the Loony Left...Thats funny.


Staff member
Even CBS says Candy screwed up and was WRONG...but i guess you either missed that or CBS must be lieing. And even when your Messiah and the rest of his Admin went all over the media for weeks claiming it was a Youtube must have missed that too. And you tried to convience me you were not part of the Loony Left...Thats funny.
Even Crowley backed down the next day and said Romney was correct.


Staff member
Even CBS says Candy screwed up and was WRONG...but i guess you either missed that or CBS must be lieing. And even when your Messiah and the rest of his Admin went all over the media for weeks claiming it was a Youtube must have missed that too. And you tried to convience me you were not part of the Loony Left...Thats funny.
Maybe you missed it this morning. Looks like that's what the CIA was saying for a couple weeks. What would you have the administration do? Ignore the CIA and make things up? At least we didn't invade a nother country based on bad intelligence...this time.