Not trying to carry water for anyone but not sure what you are implying from reading the article, which really isn't new news. Are you implying folks who get subsidies won't feel the effects, at least dramatically, because they are subsidized? That money is coming from somewhere - our children will be paying for it as well as us.
If you are referring to the comment that the first two years allegedly had lower costs than non ACA programs in the past, that is because the insurers lost their shirts and didn't charge enough. Believe me, I've talked with this guy plenty, he isn't thinking into this as much as you are. He likes simple explanations for issues that have no simple solution.
If you are referring to comments that NON ACA medical costs are also increasing at a higher rate, that is the whole point. The Affordable Care Act is a misnomer which did nothing to manage or reduce health care costs in general, it just created subsidies. The right thing to do would have been to actually manage costs to make insurance affordable without subsidies. Create interstate competition, allow people to tailor plans to their needs instead of requiring coverage for everything under the sun, promote effective use of resources instead of creating demand by having disincentives for using the emergency room for the sniffles, reduce the overuse of drugs like opiates that lead to addiction or penicillin that leads to MSRA, actually shine the light on the exorbitent costs for end of life care where we are keeping folks who are husks of themselves in pain or drugged to the point of insensibility instead of letting them die with dignity, etc.